I Wed a Toy BrideI Wed a Toy Bride 1 Evening
From the soft skin of the toy bride there arises now and then a milky fragrance. It looks like she plans to have a baby before long. Snuffing out the candle, I draw close to her ear and as if scolding her whisper, "You smell, dear, just like a newborn babe..." In the dark the toy bride gets angry and answers, "Took a walk to the dairy farm and back." Could it be the toy bride is back from memorizing all the many colors of the daytime scenery? Burns in my chest like my little address book. Because in this way I can only sniff nutrients in through the nose, I'm getting more and more emaciated.
2 Evening
Whenever I give the toy bride a sewing needle the toy bride stabs wildly at anything around. The calendar. A book of poems. The clock. Also the place that is so worthwhile for my body my accumulated experience to enter and sit around in. This constitutes evidence of thorns growing in the toy bride's heart. That is, like a rose... Blood oozes from my thin armor. To treat the wound I eat a fresh mandarin orange in the dark. Sporting nothing on her body but a ring, opening the darkness like a curtain, the toy bride comes searching for me. I am quickly found out. When the ring touches my skin I mistake it for a sewing needle and recoil in pain. The toy bride lights a candle and searches for the mandarin orange. I pretend to not hurt and not know what's going on.
From Crow's-eye View:
13ChildrenRushdownaStreet. (AdeadendalleyisSuitable.)
The1stChildsaysit's frightening. The2ndChildsaysit's frightening. The3rdChildsaysit's frightening. The4thChildsaysit's frightening. The5thChildsaysit's frightening. The6thChildsaysit's frightening. The7thChildsaysit's frightening. The8thChildsaysit's frightening. The9thChildsaysit's frightening. The10thChildsaysit's frightening.
The11thChildsaysit's frightening. The12thChildsaysit's frightening. The13thChildsaysit's frightening. 13Childrenwerejustgatheredtogetherlikethataseitherfrightening orfrightenedChildren. (TheabsenceofanyotherConditionwashighlypreferable.)
IfAmongstthem1ChildisafrighteningChildit'sfine. IfAmongstthem2ChildrenarefrighteningChildrenit'sfine. IfAmongstthem2ChildrenarefrightenedChildrenit'sfine. IfAmongstthem1ChildisafrightenedChildit'sfine.
(AthroughstreetisSuitable.) Evenif13ChildrendonotRushdowntheStreetit'sfine.