Conclusion ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 Conclusion We tried to visit all continents, touch not only the present, but also the past of many peoples. Of course, we couldn't list all the languages - or even all the language families and groups - but I hope that we haven't forgotten any of the most important and famous languages. We conducted a study and found out the most common languages and the number of speakers, as well as compiled a list of endangered languages on earth. The research hypothesis was confirmed: there are many languages in the world, but the number of languages on the planet is decreasing. Linguists try very hard to describe such languages-after all, each language is unique. Languages are the most powerful tool for preserving and developing our heritage. February 21 - international mother Language Day, proclaimed by the UNESCO General conference on November 17, 1999, has been celebrated annually since 2000 on February 21 to promote linguistic and cultural diversity and multilingualism. Начало формы Конец формы