ФЕДЕРАЛЬНОЕ АГЕНСТВО ЖЕЛЕЗНОДОРОЖНОГО ТРАНСПОРТАСтр 1 из 3Следующая ⇒ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНОЕ АГЕНСТВО ЖЕЛЕЗНОДОРОЖНОГО ТРАНСПОРТА Великолукский техникум железнодорожного транспорта имени К. С. Заслонова - структурное подразделение Великолукского филиала федерального государственного бюджетного образовательного учреждения высшего образования «Петербургский государственный университет путей сообщения Императора Александра I»
РЕФЕРАТ По дисциплине : Иностранный язык
Тема: Countries and continents Выполнил : Грицуляк У А Проверил : Киракосян А Г Table of contents 1. 1. 1. INTRODUCTION object of research 2. The goals and objectives of the study 3. Relevance of the research 4. The hypothesis of the study 5. Research method MAIN PART 1. North and South America 2. Africa 3. Australia and New Guinea . 4 Asia . 5 Europe.
Conclusions .1 America The ambiguity of this question is explained by the fact that, for example, North and South America are connected by the narrow isthmus of Panama. Many believe that because of this, the continent is one-America, which can be divided into two continents - North and South America. It also deals with the continents of Eurasia and Africa. The fact is that they are also connected by the isthmus of Suez, so many now believe that they make up one continent - Afro-Eurasia. In addition, the difficulty may lie in the fact that in some languages the word continent and parts of the world are written the same way. If we follow the classical view of such things, then the six continents that we have listed above are traditionally distinguished. In General, America is one of the largest and most populous parts of the world, and the number of languages that coexist with each other on its territory is surprisingly large. However, people in America have appeared relatively recently - this is, of course, by historical standards, but by our own, human standards. The Americas are related to the languages of Asia, but today these are just hypotheses. Another important feature is that the languages of the North American Indians had relatively little influence on each other and were just as little influenced by other languages. Despite the fact that the Indians of different tribes and peoples have lived side by side for centuries (and they have similar customs and dwellings, similar clothing, the same cuisine), their languages almost did not mix, which, of course, is due to some features of their life. After all, these proud and warlike tribes and peoples, as a rule, were at war with each other, and during peaceful respites, the universal language of communication was sign language. It is very difficult to list even all the language families of North America (not to mention individual languages) - besides, linguists often disagree about which language should be assigned to which family. But to give you an idea of the degree of diversity of the North American linguistic picture, I will call for help from Henry.