


Случайная статья

Vocabulary. Fire inspection


Fire inspection – пожарная инспекция

Fighting fires – тушение пожаров

Extinguishing - тушение

Carry out - проводить

Prevent - предотвращать

Municipality – городское управление

Fire brigade – пожарная бригада

Supervise- осуществлять надзор

Head fire-officer - начальник пожарной службы

Thoroughly - тщательно

Report - отчет

Sufficient - достаточный

Permission - разрешение

Basement - подвал

Roof - крыша

Exterior walls – наружные стены

Locked - запертый

Closet - кладовая

Separately - отдельно

Sketch – чертеж, схема

Proceed - продолжать

Fittings - оборудование

Thickness - толщина

Water main – водопроводная сеть

Valves - трубопровод

Essential - обязательный

Fire station – пожарная часть

At the premises – по месту возникновения


Fire inspection

Fire inspection as well as fighting fires and extinguishing them, firemen have other very important duties and carrying-out fire inspections is one of them. This way potential dangers can be seen before a fire starts and action taken to prevent it. The municipality of each area usually considers that inspection duties are the responsibility of the fire brigade staff and are supervised by the head fire-officer: it is very important that each fireman learns how to carry-out a fire inspection visit to a building correctly and thoroughly: therefore, they need to make detailed notes about the place they are inspecting and provide information so that a full report can be made. Simply walking through a building and observing the place is not sufficient for a proper inspection.

Firstly, permission should be given for the building to be inspected and then the outside carefully checked before going inside. The inspection can start from either the roof or the basement and the most important thing is that every room and space in the building is checked properly. When the permission to inspect the property is received, the inspector starts checking the outside of the building. This procedure makes the inspection of the inside of the building easier and provides the necessary information for drawing the exterior walls of the plan sketch. When the inspection of the exterior is finished, the inspection team goes to the roof or the basement and do the systematic inspection. Each floor must be inspected carefully. The inspector should ask for the key to all locked rooms or closets.

If the property has several buildings, each must be inspected separately. It is a good idea to start on the roof of the highest building. A sketch to each floor must be finished before starting the next floor.

A plan should be made for each floor as the inspection proceeds and include information about the construction materials, fittings, thickness of walls and other equipment such as water mains and valves.

A sketch diagram of the buildings location is a big advantage because it will give information about the street and how near other buildings are, which can be essential for fire-brigade access in the event of a fire. This sketch should be clearly drawn as it is held by the fire station for use if there is ever a fire at the building-any changes to the building made after the sketch has been completed should also be included and information updated regularly when necessary. Remember that fire inspections are very important and should be taken seriously-the information collected and written down could save lives in the event of a fire at the premises.



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