III. Peчевая зарядка.. IV. Тренировка навыков орфографии. (ПИСЬМЕННО). Индивидуальная работа: найдите слова! (устно). VI. Физкультминутка.. VIII. Работа с текстом «My secret diary».. clever, cool, naughty, caring, funny, kind ,friendly, noisy, sweet (ЗАПИ ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 III. Peчевая зарядка. Everyone has got a family. I would like to ask some questions about your families. Have you got a family? Is your family large or small? Have you got a father? What is your father’s name? How old is he? Have you got a mother?/ a sister?/ a brother?/a grandmother?
OK Good of you! I see, most of you have very happy families. Do you know any poems about the members of the family: a mother…a father…? Who wants to recite them? / Who knows? Tell us a poem, please. Good of you. Now today we are a big family.Let`s divide in two families and have some competitions.Name your families and present it to us.Well done We have the family of .... And the family of .... And now we` ll see who knows the spelling of the words best. IV. Тренировка навыков орфографии. (ПИСЬМЕННО) Put in the missing letters. N _ ece, n _ph _w, a _ nt, w _ fe, h _ sb _ nd, un _ le, c _ us _n, p _rents, s _n, d _ughter, m _ther, br _ ther, f _ther
Индивидуальная работа: найдите слова! (устно)
Mother j o k p l m o t h e r k Father h g r f a t h e r o k u i Son j t h f s v j o s o n u j Daughter k s r d a u g h t e r y j Brother k b r o t h e r u h f b p Sister h g y s I s t e r j m n g Aunt g t y h a u n t g I m j Uncle h u n c l e n y h k j j Cousin s c o u s I n h n k p d Grandmother c f g r a n d m o t h e r Grandfather a g r a n d f a t h e r h
Match the words and word combinations. (Письменно) 1. uncle’s son or daughter 2. mother and father 3. mother’s brother 4. sister’s son 5. brother’s daughter 6. a female parent 7. my uncle’s wife
VI. Физкультминутка. VIII. Работа с текстом «My secret diary». Well done! clever, cool, naughty, caring, funny, kind ,friendly, noisy, sweet (ЗАПИСЫВАЕМ В СЛОВАРЬ) Good of you! Thank you. I know you like playing. And now let’s play a bit. Give the translation of these adjectives. Игра c мячом. Учитель называет прилагательное, дети должны назвать перевод. Do you want to meet another happy family? I’m sure you do. And now, it’s time to meet it. Open your books at page 56. Whose family is it? Right you it`s Kate` family. The text is written ia a diary. What is it a diary? (дневник). A diary is a book where we write our notes. I am ..... I have got a.... He/She is.......(age- возраст). He/She is a........( кто по профессии). He/ She can ..... He/She is ....... -Повторение правила can (СТР.57) И выполнение упр.5 (b) стр. 57
IX. Домашнее задание. Ex. 9 p.57 Write a diary page about your family and get ready to present it to the class .
X. Подведение итогов, задание на дом. Рефлексия. - Thank you for your work. - You were very active today Дополните фразу: The lesson was...... Now I know..... Now I can........ Thank you for the lesson, it's over. Good-buy.