For the simplest animals . characteristic of the nervous system. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 5 из 5 TEST 1. The objective of the action to the motive is determined: 1. quasi-need 2. need 3. meaning 4. operation 2. A method of performing actions is called: 1. quasi-action 2. under the action of 3. operation 4. activity 3. the Author of the theory of evolution of the psyche in phylogeny accepted in Russian psychology is: 1. M. Ya. Basov 2. L. I. Bozhovich 3. A. N. Leontiev 4. P. F. Kapterev 4. According to A. N. Leontiev, there is no stage in the evolutionary development of the psyche: 1. the perceptual psyche 2. mediated psyche 3. intelligence 4. the elementary sensory psyche 5. For the simplest animals ... characteristic of the nervous system. 1. tubular 2. reticular 3. nodal 4. mixed
6. The Appearance of the ability to object perception and learning is a sign ... of the stage of development of the psyche. 1. direct 2. mediated 3. perceptual 4. elementary touch
7. The process of development of the psyche from irritability in the simplest to human consciousness is called: 1. anthropogenesis 2. ontogenesis 3. the phylogeny 4. the sociogenesis
8. Ontogenesis includes the period of a person's life from birth to death, i.e. not only progressive, but also ... changes. 1. backward 2. degradation 3. evolutionary 4. regressive
9. The pace and nature of individual mental development: 1. They are unique and do not depend on the social environment, communication, training 2. Uneven and caused by maturation of the body and changes in the social situation of development 3. With appropriate training and education can be indefinitely accelerated 4. Are the same in time and content for all healthy individuals and are due to the growth of the brain and nervous system 10. The main condition of development and formation of personality in Russian psychology is (are): 1. activities 2. penalties and prohibitions 3. organizational control 4. adequate self-esteem