ORGANIZING COMMITTEEORGANIZING COMMITTEE Chairman: Kostetsky A.N., Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor, head of the Marketing and Commerce Departmen, Kuban State University. Members of the Organizing Committee: Shevchenko I.V., PhD in Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of World Economics and Management, Dean of the Faculty of Economics of the Kuban State University; Bondarenko V.A., PhD in Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Marketing and Advertising, Rostov State University of Economics; Shchepakin M. B., PhD in Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Marketing and Business Communications, Kuban State Technological University; Zelenkevich M.L., PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Finance and Management, Institute of Business, Belarusian State University; Tolstyakov R.R., PhD in Economics, professor, professor of the department associate professor, professor of the department "Management" Tambov State Technical University; Voronov A.A., PhD in Economics, Professor of Department of Marketing and Commerce, Kuban State University; Shumilina M.A., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Director of the Vladimir branch of the Russian University of Cooperation; Salafanidi G.S., Director of Transinfo ltd. Requirements for the content and design of materials: The article should be performed on a relevant topic and contain the results of independent research, and should not be published earlier or sent for publication to other issues. Authors have legal and other responsibility for the content and literacy of materials submitted to the editorial office. At the end of the article, a copyright sign (©) is affixed, indicating the author and year (2020). Authenticity of the article should be at least 70% at http://www.antiplagiat.ru Fields - 2.5 cm on each side; font - TNR, size 16, line spacing - single; references in square brackets. References are required. A completed application form for participation (application form, see below) and a copy of the receipt of payment of the registration fee must be attached to the article. The name of the file with the article: Surname.doc. The name of the file with the application: Application FULL NAME.doc. Files in .docx format are also accepted. Materials are published in the author’s edition. Conference language: Russian, English. Theses that do not correspond to the conference topics or designed in violation of the requirements are not accepted by the organizing committee. Submission of documents to the organizing committee of the conference by e-mail: muratova.adeliya@mail.ru
The registration fee is 200 rubles. for one full or incomplete page and includes preparation of materials for publication, printing and distribution of the collection to nonresident authors. An additional issue - 300 rubles. Articles and copies of payment documents must be received no later than November 16, 2020. The approximate date of sending the issue is December 22, 2020.