Points to note ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 Points to note
· Book titles are in italic and should be spelt out in full with initial capital letters for all except minor words. Words such as Proceedings, Symposium, International, Conference, Second, etc should be abbreviated to Proc., Symp., Int., Conf., 2nd, respectively, but the rest of the title should be given in full, followed by the date of the conference and the town or city where the conference was held. For Laboratory Reports the Laboratory should be spelt out wherever possible, e.g. Argonne National Laboratory Report. · The volume number, for example vol 2, should be followed by the editors, in a form such as ‘ed A J Smith and P R Jones’. Use et al if there are more than two editors. Next comes the town of publication and publisher, within brackets and separated by a colon, and finally the page numbers preceded by p if only one number is given or pp if both the initial and final numbers are given.
Examples taken from published papers:
[1] Sze S M 1969 Physics of Semiconductor Devices (New York: Wiley–Interscience) [2] Dorman L I 1975 Variations of Galactic Cosmic Rays (Moscow: Moscow State University Press) p 103 [3] Caplar R and Kulisic P 1973 Proc. Int. Conf. on Nuclear Physics (Munich) vol 1 (Amsterdam: North-Holland/American Elsevier) p 517 [4] Szytula A and Leciejewicz J 1989 Handbook on the Physics and Chemistry of Rare Earths vol 12, ed K A Gschneidner Jr and L Erwin (Amsterdam: Elsevier) p 133 [5] Kuhn T 1998 Density matrix theory of coherent ultrafast dynamics Theory of Transport Properties of Semiconductor Nanostructures (Electronic Materials vol 4) ed E Schöll (London: Chapman and Hall) chapter 6 pp 173–214 10.2. Reference lists Up to ten authors may be given in a particular reference; where there are more than ten only the first should be given followed by et al. Abbreviations of the names of periodicals used by IOP Publishing are usually the same as those given in British Standard BS 4148: 1985. If an author is unsure of an abbreviation it is best to leave the title in full. The terms loc. cit. and ibid should not be used. Unpublished conferences and reports should generally not be included in the reference list and articles in the course of publication should be entered only if the journal of publication is known. A thesis submitted for a higher degree may be included in the reference list if it has not been superseded by a published paper and is available through a library; sufficient information should be given for it to be traced readily.
Acknowledgments Authors wishing to acknowledge assistance or encouragement from colleagues, special work by technical staff or financial support from organizations should do so in an unnumbered Acknowledgments section immediately following the last numbered section of the paper.