Lunch break: 12:30—14:45. Supper break: 15:45—17:00 ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 4 из 4 Lunch break: 12:30—14:45 4. 14:45—15:15 Daniil Yurievich Dorofeev. Maxim Confessor: the Image and Pattern of the Holy Orthodox Philosopher(30 min). 5.15:15—15:45 Alexander Nechiporenko, p.h.d., Senior Lecturer Novosibirsk State Research University. Ontology of deification at St. Maximus the Confessor(30 min). Supper break: 15:45—17:00 6. 17:00—17:45 Dmitry Kurdybaylo, "Playful" God and His "playthings": On possible sources of Ambiguum to John 71 by St Maximus the Confessor (Russian)(45 min). 7. 17:45—18:30 Dmitry Kurdybaylo. "Playful" God and His "playthings": On possible sources of Ambiguum to John 71 by St Maximus the Confessor (English)(45 min). 8. 18:30—20:00 Wojciech Micał (PhD student, Jagiellonian University in Kraków) and Deacon Konstantin Seleznev (PhD, Docent of Pskov State University, Deacon of Mirozhsky St Transfiguration Monastery in Pskov) — joint report. The Righteousness of the Most Holy Theotokos according to St. Augustine of Hippo and St. Maximus the Confessor - Two Churches, Two Views(45+45 min). 9. 20:00—21:00 Fr. Manuel Sumares: Three notes on Palamite doctrine revisited in Bulgakov’s idea of Divine humanity(45 min). 10. 21:00-21:40 Dr Constantinos Athanasopoulos (Open University, UK): Freedom in St Maximus the Confessor and St Gregory Palamas: Ontological and anthropological considerations regarding the Incarnation of Christ. Abstract: There is a long discussion in Medieval and Contemporary Philosophy and Theology about the unconditionality of the Incarnation of Jesus. By this it is usually meant that for most Western theologians and philosophers (and some Orthodox ones too) the initial plan of God was for Christ to become human independently of whether humans commit sin in Eden. I shall argue that this is a wrong interpretation of St Maximus the Confessor and that both St Maximus and St Gregory Palamas emphasise that absolute freedom in God is mirrored in the ontological and anthropological condition of humans as icons of God. To support my interpretation, I will use key texts from St Maximus the Confessor, St Gregory Palamas, St John the Damascene and St Sophrony (Sakharov) of Essex among others (40 min).