St Gregory Palamas Seminar «St Maximus the Confessor and St Gregory Palamas: Christian Anthropology and Ethics». Nov. 19 2020St Gregory Palamas Seminar «St Maximus the Confessor and St Gregory Palamas: Christian Anthropology and Ethics». Nov. 19 2020 https://zoom.us/j/93911388860?pwd=dTN1WFZ5R3BKZHdnenQ5TnZlaWRnZz09 1. 11:00—11:30 Nadiezda Zenonovna Gaevskay, aspirant of the Russian Christian Humanitarian Academy, curator of the additional education program "Christian asceticism in Russian culture".: The phenomenon of religious feat in the patristic tradition(20 min). 2. 11.30—12:00 Deacon Dmitry Mayorov. The concept of spiritual revival in the writings of the holy hierarch Maxim the Confessor and St. Gregory Palamas: a comparative analysis. Abstract: In the Orthodox Tradition of the Orthodox Church and its patristic theology, the concept of spiritual rebirth in the Holy Spirit in the Church of Christ has been known since the day of Holy Pentecost. However, a detailed description of how this happens in the souls of Christians, who are reborn by the Holy Spirit, appeared in the Church much later. This article provides a comparative analysis of the concept of spiritual revival of two prominent Byzantine theologians - the Monk Martyr Maximos the Confessor and Saint Gregory Palamas. If the first author is known as a fighter against monothelism and emphasizes the importance of recognizing two wills in Christ - Divine and human, then the second is known to the Christian world as a "preacher of grace", insisting on its Divine nature in a polemic with Barlaam. In the context of their theological heritage, the concept of spiritual rebirth appears in aspects - synergy and theosis, in dialectical categories of the form and content of spiritual rebirth. The unity and difference between the teaching on the spiritual rebirth of man in the writings of these two outstanding theologians requires further detailed study (20 min). 3.12:00—12:30 Biryukov Dmitry Sergeevich.Types of mind activities in the "Triads" by Gregory Palamas(in Russain)