This article reviews the myriad tool and methodology innovations that went into the CPU design system used to develop the Intel® microarchitecture code name Nehalem and Intel® microarchitecture code name Westmere products at Intel. We present design tool ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 3. This article reviews the myriad tool and methodology innovations that went into the CPU design system used to develop the Intel® microarchitecture code name Nehalem and Intel® microarchitecture code name Westmere products at Intel. We present design tool and flow innovations from the beginning of design to the final production of manufacturing masks. Additionally, we describe enhanced techniques for moving a CPU design to a new manufacturing technology, as well as methods for managing multiple product configurations, all of which were key enablers for delivering the Intel® Core™ i7 processor in record time. (Intel® Technology Journal Home Volume 14, Issue 03)
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