is glad to present the SUMMER READS COMPETITIONis glad to present the SUMMER READS COMPETITION for all who wish to compete and get some SUPER PRIZE!!! We are sure, that this summer you’ve read lots of interesting, suspenseful and exciting books! SUMMER READS COMPETITION offers you to present some book, its plot and heroes!
You can make a movie, short video or computer presentation, write a song or a poem, draw a picture, compose some essay, or something creative, devoting to your favourite book’s heroes!
Everything must be in English! Send us your presentation here: letters@inyazcentre.ru (don’t forget also to give us your contact information) or bring it at the following address: of. 421, build. 63, Salova St., Saint-Petersburg but only before October 18, 2011 till 10 a.m. Our jury’ll choose the best presentation and the winner’ll get some Super Prize! Show your best English skills and imagination! Make away with laziness and boredom!!! There is no limit for the members’ age!
Студия иностранных языков «Ин. Яз. Центр» Объявляет конкурс «Юный переводчик»!!! Переведистихотворение одной из английских поэтесс на русский язык! Помни о рифме и содержании! Желаем удачи! A Friend Is Like...
A friend is like a forest, Or a lovely, calm blue sea, A refuge from life’s problems, As only a friend can be.
A friend is like a song, Soothing to the brain, Distracting us from trouble, Neutralizing pain.
A friend is like some ice cream On a sweltering summer day, Making life delicious, In a friend’s own special way.
A friend is like a blanket, Bringing peace and rest, A cocoon of warmth and pleasure; When we are tired or stressed.
A friend is a bit of everything That makes life good and sweet, And you, my friend, are all that; You make my life complete
Свои работы ты можешь прислать нам на электронную почту: letters@inyazcentre.ru или принести к нам по адресу: