Соедините предложения (1-8) и (a-h) так, чтобы получилось высказывание. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 4 из 4 2. Соедините предложения (1-8) и (a-h) так, чтобы получилось высказывание. 1. An application is filed to the US Patent and Trademark Office. 2. The British Constitution is considered to be flexible because…… 3. In order to understand English Constitutional law you should study… 4. The correctional establishments are supposed… 5. To alter the Constitution it is not necessary to have a complicated machinery in England… 6. This evidence proved… 7. Most of historians regard the US Constitution… 8. These facts are expected…
a) to have helped the investigator in solving the crime. b) Parliament can make or unmake any law rather easily. c) to receive an approval. d) so all laws can be altered with ease. e) numerous documents, various statutes, judicial decisions and others. f) to help identify the offender. g) to rehabilitate the offenders through labour. h) to be a conservative document