


Случайная статья

ГРАММАТИКА. Задание 3А. Просмотрите отрывок из истории болезни пациента.. ГОВОРЕНИЕ. Задание 4.


Задание 3А. Просмотрите отрывок из истории болезни пациента.

The patient was a 59-year-old man, head of a small engineering firm, who complained of central chest pain which occurred on exertionand was sometimes accompanied by sweating. He smoked 40 cigarettes a day. The pain had first appeared three months previously and wasbecoming increasingly frequent. He had noticed some weight gain recently(4 kg) and also complained that his hair had become very dull and lifeless. He felt the cold much more than he used to. He denied any palpitations or ankle oedema.


3Б. Какие 5 вопросов мог бы задать доктор пациенту, чтобы в медкарту записать выделенную информацию? (Учтётся любой ваш вопрос, лишь бы он был грамматически правильным!)









Задание 4.


Выберите фотографию и опишите её. У вас должно получиться 7–8 предложений. (НЕ ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО СОЧИНЕНИЕ!) План ответа и образцы могут помочь вам:



• where the photo was taken

• what/who is in the photo

• what is happening

• any person’s appearance


Образец (не связан с темой урока, но жирным выделено то, что можно оставить)

Introduction. Вступление I’d like to describe picture № ...    или       I’ve chosen photo number… Would you like to know where it was taken?
Where the photo was taken Well, I took it last summer when I was travelling in Europe. It wassummer time and I was in Romania.
Who/what is in the photo In the photo, in the foreground there is my sister sitting on the ground by the road sign. My sister is dressed casually; she is wearing a jeans jacket and light summer trousers. On the left of the photo there is a road. In the background we can see something which looks like a bridge.
What is happening My sister ispointing at the road sign saying it’s a border crossing point. She is smiling — she was happy to be sitting at the border between two countries. My sister is definitely enjoying the moment.
Concluding phrase. Заключение That’s all I wanted to tell you.


Так же, как и в предыдущем задании, будут положительно засчитаны любые ваши фразы, построенные грамматически правильно.


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