


Случайная статья

Тема: Симптомы заболевания (продолжение).

Тема: Симптомы заболевания (продолжение).


Задание1. Сопоставьте слова (1-6) с их определениями (A-F).


1. headache 2. severe 3. fever 4. ache 5. sore throat 6. mild A. a high body temperature B. slight C. an inflammation in the neck passage D. a pain in the head E. an unpleasant pain in the body F. extremely strong


Задание 2А. Прочитайте текст-памятку.

Cold or Flu? Know the Difference

     It’s flu season again. Knowing the difference between the flu and a cold saves lives. It’s easy to get confused because a stuffy nose, sneezing, and sore throat are all symptoms of both diseases. Review the following conditions and symptoms to tell the difference.

     With colds, patients get moderate cases of coughs at the worst. With the flu, coughing can become quite severe.

     The flu also causes severe aches and fatigue. Strong headaches are a common flu symptom as well. In colds, these symptoms are usually mild. Colds rarely cause a high fever. In the flu, however, a high fever is one of the disease’s main characteristics.

                        Remember, early diagnosis of the flu saves lives.

2Б. Выберите правильный ответ.

1 What is the poster talking about?

A reducing a severe fever in colds and the flu

В different cures for the flu and colds

C telling colds and the flu apart

D how to prevent the flu and colds


2 What of the following is NOT a sign of a cold?

A sneezing     

В coughing

C aches          

D high fever


3 What was the main information about the flu?


A It is passed to others more quickly than colds.

В It occurs more frequently at certain points of the year.

C It has no effective treatment.

D It causes a moderate stuffy nose.


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