Match the words. Choose the correct word. Rewrite the sentences in the Past Simple. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2
Tuesday, the seventh of May Test
1. Match the words 1. a bottle of 2. a carton of 3. a packet of 4. a piece of 5. a jar of 6. a loaf of 7. a bar of
a. chocolate b. jam c. olive oil d. milk e. crisps f. cheese g. bread
2. Choose the correct word 1. There isn't some /any coffee in the jar. 2. Bob usually has some /any bacon for breakfast. 3. There aren't much / many eggs left. I'll go buy some. 4. You put too much / many sugar in my coffee. It's very sweet. 5. Do you want sugar in your cocoa? – Yes, a little/ a few, please. 6. There’re a little/ a few carrots in the fridge. We need to buy some. 7. Is there some /any cheese in this sauce? I don't like cheese. 8. We haven't got much / many apples left. 9. You don’t need to buy bread. We’ve got a little/ a few loaves of bread.
3. Rewrite the sentences in the Past Simple. 1. I usually stir together eggs, sugar and flour. – Yesterday, ___________________________________________________________ 2. My mum usually bakes apple muffin once a fortnight. – Yesterday, ___________________________________________________________ 3. I sometimes dice cheese for canapés. – Yesterday, ___________________________________________________________
Cловарик sauce - соус stir – мешать bake – печь fortnight – две недели dice – нарезать canapé – канапе