Questions ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 5 из 5 Questions 1. What is a syllable? 2. How many aspects does the problem of the syllable have? 3. What is the syllable - articulatorily? - auditorily? - phonologically ? 4. How many functions does the syllable perform phonologically? 5. What does • the CONSTITUTIVE FUNCTION • the DISTINCTIVE FUNCTION • the IDENTIFICATORY FUNCTION mean? 6. How is the syllable formed in English? 7. Why are the English sonorants /w/, 1)1 never syllabic? 8. How is it possible to establish the number of syllables according to the syllable-forming elements? 9. What are the structural components of a syllable called, e.g. cat, tree, icel 10. What is the presentation of a syllable structure in terms of C and V called? 11. Name structural types of syllables in terms of C and V? 12. What are the commonest types of the syllable in English structurally? 13. What type of syllable is considered to be the universal structure? 14. What is the characteristic feature of English according to the number of syllables in words? 15. What is the limit for the number of syllables in a word in English? 16. How can syllables be designated: a) by the position in a word? b) by the position in relation to stress? 17. What is the relative sonority theory/ the prominence theorybased upon? 18. What is the sonority of a sound? 19. Who is the creator of the relative sonority theory?What has he proved? 20. Give the two extreme points of the sonority scale? 21. How is the syllable treated the by the relative sonoritytheory? 22. What does the sonority theory help establish and what is its drawback? 23. Who put forward the muscular tension theory? 24. How does muscular tension impulses occur in speaking ? What corresponds to points of syllabic division? 25. How can the end of one syllable and the beginning of the next one be ascertained? 26. How can consonants be pronounced? 27. Where do initially strong C and finally strong C occur? 28. What is the drawback of this theory? 29. What is the division of a word into syllables called? 30. What can be said about the question of syllabification in English? 31. What do phoneticians agree about in general? 32. What is the phonotactic constrainton syllabification? 33. How is syllable divisions shown in Longman Pronunciation Dictionary (LPD) and in English Pronouncing Dictionary (EPD)? 34. What are basic rules of phonetic (spoken) syllable division: • is there any coincidence between a syllabic and a morphological boundary? • how are consonants syllabified? • how are diphthongs syllabified? • are affricates unisyllabic? • what are the guidelines for syllabification of syllabic consonants? 35. What is an orthographic syllable? What is another term to designate orthographic syllables? 36. Do parts of phonetic and orthographic syllables always coincide? Exemplify. 37. What is a most general principle the division of words into syllables in writing based on? 38. Where is the syllabic boundary in writing if there are two or three consonants before -ING, e.g. grasping, puzzling? 39. How can compound words be divided, e.g.: hotdog; spotlight? 40. Is it possible to divide a word within a phonetic syllable? 41. What is the rule of syllable division of suffixes in writing? 42. Is it possible to divide a word so that an ending of two letters such as -ED, -ER, -1C begins the next line? Are there any exceptions to this rule? 43. Is it possible to divide a word of ONE phonetic syllable? • a word of less than FIVE letters? 44. How can word stress (WS) be defined ? 45. What types of WS are distinguished in different languages according to its nature? 46. How many types of WS in English accorinding to its DEGREEare singled out by the majority of phoneticians? 47. How many degrees of WS are distinguished by the American linguists? 48. How many degrees of WS are distinguished in your native language? 49. Comment on the systems of notation for marking stress in a written word in English and Russian. 50. What WS tendencies determine the location and degree of it? 51. Explain the essence of • the recessive tendency; • the rhythmic tendency; • the retentive tendency and • the semantic factor. 52. What function does WS perform? Explain the essence of each function. 53. Comment on the case when the location of WS alone differentiates parts of speech. Give examples. 54. Comment on English stress placement as a general problem. 55. What information should be taken into account in order to decide on stress placement? 56. Speak on the guidelinesto WS placement in English: • monosyllabic words • two-syllable simple words • three-syllable simple words • four or more syllables • words with prefixes • words with suffixes • compounds and phrases. 57. Give examples of free variation of stress location in English words. 58. What status do accentual variants of such words have? 59. What is ‘stress-shift’?