QuestionsQuestions 1. What is the quality of a vowel determined by? 2. What criteria are used for the classification of vowels? 3. What are English vowels subdivided into? 4. Define diphthongs. 5. From what aspects is the position of the tongue in the mouth cavity characterized? 6. What groups of vowels are distinguished in English? 7. What are the traditional lip positions in English pronunciation? 8. What does the checkness of English vowel sounds depend on? 9. What is duration of a vowel modified by and what does it depend on? 10. Define tenseness. 11. What is the phonemic status of the neutral sound [E]? 12. What are the directions of modifications of vowels? 13. Define sound alternations. 14. What are historical alternations? 15. Define morphophonemics. 16. What is phonemic neutralization? 17. What do the terms “formal speech” and “informal speech” suggest? 18. Where is vowel elision very frequent? 19. What are the most common tendencies in the stylistic modifications of consonants? 20. What is the subject matter of morphonology?