Results. Conclusion ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 Results The results showed a reduction in self-reports of smoking in terms of number of cigarettes smoked during a working day and the number smoked during working hours at both the one-week and six-week follow-ups compared with baseline, indicating that the smokers were smoking less following the ban. However, the cotinine levels suggested that although there was an initial decrease at week one, by six weeks blood cotinine was almost back to baseline levels suggesting that the smokers may have been compensating for the ban by smoking more outside of work. The results also showed increases in craving and stress following the ban; these lower levels of stress were maintained, whereas craving gradually returned to baseline (supporting compensatory smoking). The results showed no increases in snack intake or alcohol consumption. Conclusion The self-report data from the study suggest that worksite bans may be an effective form of public health intervention for decreasing smoking behaviour. However, the physiological data suggests that simply introducing a no-smoking policy may not be sufficient as smokers may show compensatory smoking.