A pilot study to examine the effects of a workplace smoking banA pilot study to examine the effects of a workplace smoking ban on smoking, craving, stress and other behaviours Gomel et al. (1993)
Over the past few years many organizations have set up workplace bans. These offer an opportunity to examine the effects of policy of behaviour change and to assess the effectiveness of public health interventions in promoting smoking cessation. Background Workplace bans provide an opportunity to use group motivation and group social support to promote smoking cessation. In addition, they can access individuals who would not be interested in attending clinics based in hospitals or universities. The present study examined the effect of worksite ban on smoking behaviour (both at work and outside) and also examined the interrelationship between smoking and other behaviours. The ban was introduced on 1 August 1989 at the New South Wales Ambulance Service in Australia. This study is interesting because it included physiological measures of smoking to identify any compensatory smoking. Methodology Subjects:A screening question showed that 60 per cent of the employees were current smokers (n = 47). Twenty-four subjects (15 males and 9 females) completed all measures. They had an average age of 34 years, had smoked on average for 11 years and smoked an average of 26 cigarettes a day. Design:The subjects completed a set of measures one week before the ban (time 1), one week after (time 2), and six weeks after (time 3). Measures:At times 1, 2 and 3, the subjects were evaluated for cigarette and alcohol consumption, demographic information (e.g. age), exhaled carbon monoxide and blood cotinine. The subjects also completed daily record cards for five working days and two non-working days, including measures of smoking, alcohol consumption, snack intake and ratings of subjective discomfort.