The Art of Negotiating – искусство вести переговоры ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 The Art of Negotiating – искусство вести переговоры Ведение переговоров часто называют искусством (an «art»). Как принято говорить в бизнесе, «все подлежит обсуждению» (everything is negotiable). Вот некоторые советы, которые помогают людям вести переговоры: • Нужно стремиться к высокой цели (Aim inhigh) • Наметить конечную цель (Visualizing the end results) • Обращаться к своему оппоненту с уважением и честностью (Treating one’s opponent with respect and honesty) • Подготавливаться заранее (Preparing ahead of time) • Держаться уверенно (Exhibiting confidence)
Task 3. Translate the text (перевести текст письменно). The Negotiation Process – процесс переговоров Пришло время переговоров! Вот несколько золотых правил (golden rules) для успешных переговоров (successful negotiations): 1) Always try to continue the negotiations for at least 15 minutes. If negotiations are held in less time, the parties are unlikely to form a correct opinion about each other. Usually, the seriousness of the negotiations determines the period of time necessary for discussion. Approximately 90% of the questions are solved in the last 10% of discussion. 2) Always offer the other side to speak first. This is especially important if you ask the chief to raise wages. Your boss may reevaluate the situation and offer you more than you are going to ask. 3) Always show respect and listen to what your opponent says. This is important, even if he or she does not exhibit the same courtesy towards you. Do everything to remain calm and courteous, even if the other party shows signs of irritation or anger. Remember that some people deliberately try to intimidate or provoke you. 4) Confirm that says the opposite side. Everyone likes to know that what they say - it is important. If the other party starts talking first to use this advantage to remember what you heard. Be aware of important ideas before you present your arguments. 5) Keep track of your and other people's gestures. We will help you to deal with sign language later. To restrain from negative sign.