The 07th of May.. The text «The negotiations as a method of solving the conflicts». Task 1. Study the information. Translate the texts (читаете и переводите устно для информации).. Task 2. Write the highlighted words with the translation. - Напишите выделСтр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒ The 07th of May. The text «The negotiations as a method of solving the conflicts» (Текст «Переговоры как метод решения конфликтов»)
Hello, dear students. Today we will talk about negotiations. Find out what types of negotiations there are in the business world.
Task 1. Study the information. Translate the texts (читаете и переводите устно для информации). One of the most important practices to which office workers may face on a daily basis, is the ability to negotiate (ability to negotiate). What is the talks (negotiations)? The idea is that this solution to the conflict (resolution of conflict). We are starting negotiations (enter negotiations) in order to start (to start) or continue (continue) the business relationship (relationship), and to resolve the issue (resolve an issue). Even when we act on your first job, or start a career (begin career), we learn to negotiate. For one talks begin with a discussion of cash benefits (allowance), issued by the parents, for another - with a dispute with a brother or sister about what TV show would look. Some people are strong negotiators from nature (naturally stronger negotiators) and are able to more easily achieve the desired result. Not being able to negotiate, people stop relations (break off relationships), leave from work (quit jobs), or deliberately avoid conflict situations.
Task 2. Write the highlighted words with the translation. - Напишите выделенные слова с переводом. Business negotiations В мире бизнеса (In the world of business) умение вести переговоры используется во многих случаях, например, когда нужно обсудить размер зарплаты (to negotiate a salary), или продвижение (a promotion), чтобы заключить сделку по продаже (to secure a sale), или найти новых партнеров (form a new partnership). Вот несколько примеров различных видов переговоров в мире бизнеса: • Между управляющим и клерком (Manager and Clerk):Обсуждение продвижения по службе (Negotiating a promotion) • Между работодателем и будущим работником (Employer and Potential Employee):Обсуждение преимуществ работы (Negotiating job benefits) • Между деловыми партнерами (Business Partners): Принятие решений об инвестициях (Making decisions about investments) • Между двумя компаниями: Обсуждение слияния (Negotiating a merger)