Variant 3. Variant 4. fight off; wound; hemoglobin; kidneys; flexibility; life span; platelets;. regulate; transfers; a fluid connective tissue; ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 Variant 3 Continue the sentences using the text “Blood and its elements”. Translate the sentences. Достройте предложения, используя текст выше. Переведите полученые предложения. 1. Blood is … 2. Blood is composed of … 3. Thrombocytes are … 4. The protoplasm of leukocytes … 5. Leucocytes have … 6. The function of leukocytes is … 7. Erythrocytes are … 8. Erythrocytes have … 9. The important part of erythrocytes is … 10. Erythrocytes play an important role in …
Variant 4 Match the parts of the sentences using the text “Blood and its elements”. Translate the sentences. Приведите всоответствие начала и концы предложений. Переведите полученные предложения.
5. Choose the best word for each sentence. Use each word only once. Выберите наиболее подходящее по смыслу слово для каждого предложения. Переведите предложения.
fight off; wound; hemoglobin; kidneys; flexibility; life span; platelets; regulate; transfers; a fluid connective tissue;
1. Blood is ___________ with many various functions 2. These include red and white blood cells, blood ________, and blood plasma.. 3. Erythrocytes have great elasticity and_______. 4. Blood _________ oxygen and carbon dioxide between the lungs and the body cells. 5. The red cell has the most important part of it called_________. 6. It helps ______________ body temperature. 7. Blood gets rid of their waste products via the _______and other organs of excretion; 8. The ______of a leucocyte is short, from 4 to 12 days. 9. Blood provides substances that __________ infection. 10. Leukocytes leave the blood stream arriving at the ______.