Домашнее задание по тексту «Кровь и ее элементы»Домашнее задание по тексту «Кровь и ее элементы» Выполните задание по тексту согласно своему варианту и отработайте чтение полученных предложений.
Variant 1 Fill in the table using the information below. Заполните таблицуи сделайте перевод.
White corpuscles; numerous cellular elements; have elasticity and flexibility; have granules in the protoplasm; pass through small capillaries; have a short span of life; have a lobed appearance of the nucleus; take part in the function of respiration; contain red colouring substance ( hemoglobin ); protect against infection; arrive at the wound and engulf the bacteria.
Variant 2 Answer the questions to the text “Blood and its elements”. Translate the answers.Ответьте на вопросы по тексту и переведитеполученные ответы. 1.What kind of tissue is the blood? 2.What is the blood compose of ? 3.What is the charachteristic of leukocytes? 4.What is the function of leukocytes? 5.What do leukocytes do when a wound becomes infected? 6.What are the most numerous cellular elements? 7.What features do erythrocytes have? 8.What is the important part of erythrocytes? 9.What is the total blood volume divided into?