


Случайная статья

VARIANT 3.. E. An economic zone


Test 1. How is adequacy of the physical loading during the physical culture lessons estimated?

   А. Becoming of the pulse more frequent from the level at the beginning.   

   В. By durations of the PT lessons.

   C. By asking the time of becoming tired.

   D. By the number of PT lessons a week.                 

   Е. By the parents opinions.


Test 2. Which functional zones should be on the territory of the preschool children's enterprise?

A. A zone of the contruction building.

B. A zone of plans and greenery.

C. A zone of children's group ground.

D. Transport.

   E. An economic zone


Test 3. The structure of the buildings for children and teenagers should provide:

   А. The maximum division of the school children into separate age groups.

   В. Separation of the premises that are the source of noise and air pollution.

   С. Comfortable and short connection with a ground plot.

   D. Possibility of isolation of separate groups of children.

   Е. Creation of a separate block of premises with similar character of activity (classrooms and studies).


Test 4. The radius of serving of children's preschool enterprise should be not more than:

    А. 100 m. B. 300 m. C. 500 m. D. 1000 m. Е. 1500 m.


Test 5. The group cell should have:

    А. A cloak room. Â. A group room. Ñ. A bedroom. D. A buffet. Å. A toilet.


Test 6. What should the distance of the school desk be?

   А. 4,0 sm. В. 6,0 sm. Ñ. 4,0 sm. D. 2,0 sm. Е. 0 sm.


Test 7. The square of plants in the school ground should be:

   A. 35-40 %. B. 40 – 45 %. C. 45 – 50 %. D. 50-55 %. Е. 55 – 60 %.


Test 8. The most rational type of the school building is:

   А. Central. B. Central – block. C. Pavilion. D. 4-5 storey buildings. E. All are equally rational.


Test 9. The doctor study should be in the schools building:

    A. On the ground floor, not far from the entrance. B. It does not matter. C. On the first floor. D. On the second – third floor. E. On the upper floor.

Test 10. To make natural light in the third row rather good and comfortable the width of the class room should be:

    А. 4,0 m. B. 5,0 m. C. 6,0 m. D. 7,0 m. Å. 8,0 m.


Test 11. The number of storeys in the school building must not exceed:

    А. 4 m. B. 5 m. C. 6 m. D. 7 m. Е. 8m.


Test 12. What should the distance of the school desk be?

   А. 4,0 sm. В. 6,0 sm. Ñ. 4,0 sm. D. 2,0 sm. Е. 0 sm.


Test 13. The distance between the wall and the first row of the school desks should be:

  А. 0,3 – 0,5 m. B. 0,6 – 0,7 m. C. 0,8 – 1,0 m. D. 1,0 - 1,2 m. Е. 0 m.


Test 14. For a pupil in the classroom should be:

А. 1,55 m. B. 1,25m. C. 1,70 m. D. 3,5 m. Е. 4,0 m.


Test 15. In the economic zone of the territory of the school should be:

A. Shops.         B. A stores.                   C. A garage.

D. gabbage containers.                   E. Geographical and meteorological grounds.



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