Variant 1Стр 1 из 6Следующая ⇒ Variant 1 Test 1. Name the square of the territory plot of the children enterprise for a child (by meters)? А. 10 – 15; B. 20– 30; C. 35 – 40; D. 50 – 60; Е. 25 – 30.
Test 2. What should be the mass of the toys assigned for the children of pre school age (in grammes)? А. 600; B. 300; C. 400; D. 500; Е. 800.
Test 3. What should the capacity of a preschool group cell be? А. 25; B. 30; C. 40; D. 20; Е. 35.
Test 4. Name the square for a child in the group room of the kindergarten (by meters)? А. 4; B. 5; C. 3; D. 1,25; Е. 1,75.
Test 5. Which part of a child’s stature should a differentiation of the school desks be? А. 1/4 - 1/5; B.1/3 – ¼; C.1/5 – 1/6; D. 1/6 – 1/8; Е. 1/7 – 1/8.
Test 6. The educational section is: A. A set of premises for a form. В. A set of premises for 3 form of the children of the same age or two classrooms for joining of age groups (2 - 3 form) with the common recreational premise. C. Premises for a form. D. A block in the school building while block planning is used. Е. A set of premises for staying the children of 1 - 4 forms, 5 – 8 forms, 9 – 12 forms.
Test 7. For a pupil in the classroom the following cubic meters of air should be: А. 1,55 м3; B. 3,75 м 3; C. 4,0 м 3; D. 4,75 м 3; Е. 5,0 м 3.
Test 8. Name the age of the beginning of the school education: А. 6 years; B. Biological age of the pupil; C. 5 years; D. 7 years; Е. 5-6 years.
Test 9. Which system of school construction is acceptable? A. Pavilion; B. Central block; C. Centralized; D. Additional; E. Separate.
Test 10. A week educational load in the tenth form (in hours): А. 31; B. 30; C. 29; D. 36; Е. 34.
Test 11. The square of classroom should be: А. 50 m2 . B. 65 – 70 m2 . C. 70-80 m2 . D. 40 – 50 m2 . Е. 50 – 60 m2
Test 12. Which zone is not included into the school territory? A. Buildings; B. Educational -productive; C. Educational – experimental; D. Economic E. Educational - physical
Test 13. Name the norm of the school1 square per one pupil: А. 2 m 2; B. 1,5 m2; C. 2,5 m2; D. 1,25 m2; Е. 3 m2 .
Test 14. What should the coefficient of natural illumination (CNI) be in the classroom of school? А. 1,5 %; B.1 %; C. 0,5 %; D. 0,75 %; Е. 2 %.
Test 15. While estimating of the school time table the maximum loading should be on the fallowing days? A. Monday; B. Tuesday and Thursday; C. From Wednesday till Friday; B. D. Equal loading during the whole week; Е. On Thursday and Friday.