The lower House of the Federal Assembly is…. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 11. The lower House of the Federal Assembly is…. a) the government b) the president c) the Federal Council d) the State Duma 12. The state symbols of Russia are… a) symbols, flag, the coat of arms b) flag, anthem, coat of arms c) flowers symbols, flag, hymn d) flag, sing and the coat of arms. 13. The Upper Chamber of the Federal Assembly is called the _____ of Federation. a) Duma b) Council c) Court d) State
II. Найдите лишнее слово: 14. a) city b) nationality c) region d) town 15. a) Black Sea b) Mediterranean Sea c) Lake Baikal d) Baltic Sea III. Выберите утверждение верно или неверно: 16. Russia doesn’t borders on many countries. a) true b) false c) no information 17. Red Square is the heart of Moscow. a) true b) false c) no information 18. The area of Russia is not large. a) true b) false c) no information 19. Moscow is a political centre where the government of our country works. a) true b) false c) no information 20. Russia isn’t the seventh largest in the world in terms of population after China, India, the United States, Indonesia, Brazil and Pakistan a) true b) false c) no information