The 03rd of June.. При выполнении теста пишем только номер и букву (правильный ответ).. Например: 1 – c.. Всего 20 вопросов.. Вариант I делают следующие обучающиеся: Андарова Д., Алексеева Е., Ахметзянова Р., Воробьева Д., Гараева М., Гарифуллина Н., ДавлСтр 1 из 3Следующая ⇒ The 03rd of June. Test № 7 При выполнении теста пишем только номер и букву (правильный ответ). Например: 1 – c. Всего 20 вопросов.
Вариант I делают следующие обучающиеся: Андарова Д., Алексеева Е., Ахметзянова Р., Воробьева Д., Гараева М., Гарифуллина Н., Давлетов А., Занина П.
Вариант -I I. Выберите правильный вариант: 1. Russia is _____ country in the world . a) largest b) the biggest c) the largest d) the riches 2. _____Russian Federation is situated in _____Europe and in Asia. a) A, ¾ b) ¾, an c) The, ¾ d) ¾, the 3. Moscow is _____ capital of _____ Russia, our Motherland. a) the, the b) a, ¾ c) ¾ , ¾ d) the, ¾ 4. What countries does Russia border? a) Sweden, Denmark, Belgium b) Romania, Austria, Slovakia c) Finland, Poland, China d) France, Germany, Spain 5 What countries do not border Russia? a) Latvia, Poland, Lithuania b) Finland, China, Ukraine c) Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Norway d) France, Germany, Spain 6. The head of the government is the _____. a) President b) Prime Minister c) State Duma d) Federal Assembly 7. Moscow _____ in 1147. a) was founded b) is founded c) was found d) founded 8. _____ different climatic zones in our country. a) There is b) This is c) There are d) It is 9._____ very cold in the north of Russia. a) There is b) This is c) There are d) It is 10. The _____ power is realized by the Federal Assembly. a) executive b) judicial c) legislative d) federal 11. The lower House of the Federal Assembly is…. a) the State Duma b) the Council of Ministers c)the Federal Council d) the government 12. The state symbols of Russia are… a) symbols, flag, the coat of arms b) flag, anthem, coat of arms c) flowers symbols, flag, hymn d) flag, hymn and the coat of arms. 13. The Upper Chamber of the Federal Assembly is called the _____ of Federation. a) Duma b) Council c) Court d) State II. Найдите лишнее слово: 14. a) lowland b) grassland c) motherland d) highland 15. a) the Bolshoi Theatre b) the Hermitage c) the Tretyakov Art Gallery d) the Kremlin
III. Выберите утверждение верно или неверно: