ЗБ-РА-21 Катюха Т.А.. Unknown words.. Do you agree that the weather is like a capricios woman? Prove your point.. Say what weather you like best of all and why.Стр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒ 23.06.20 ЗБ-РА-21 Катюха Т.А. Unknown words. to remain clear оставаться ясным downpours – ливни frequency – частота rumbling of thunder – грохот грома hashes of lightning – удары молний soaked to the skin – промокший до нитки chilly – прохладный torrents – ливни patchy light drizzle – небольшие осадки showery outbreaks of rain – ливневый дождь "patch" – заплатка sun tan - загар slush - слякоть hoarfrost – иней sleet – дождь со снегом pangs of remorse – угрызения совести haze on the horizon – дымка на горизонте thin mist легкий туман distance – вдали at the steering wheel – за рулем much-cared-for flowers – очень ухоженные цветы muddy flowerbeds – грязные клумбы exasperated – раздраженный 'What beastly weather we've had this week! – какая ужасная погода была у нас на этой неделе! And it keeps nasty! И это держится противно! Wretched! Несчастный! To tell the truth – по правде говоря a short warm spell turns bad – короткое теплое заклинание оборачивается плохо
1. Do you agree that the weather is like a capricios woman? Prove your point. No. I don’t agree that the weather is like a capricious woman. Any weather is beautiful. Each season has its own characteristics. Weather may be different but the mood should not depend on it.
2. Say what weather you like best of all and why. I like when the weather is frosty and sunny. The sun raises the mood. The frost gives a feeling of freshness.
3. Do you listen to the weather forecasts? Do you trust them? Have you heard the weather forecast for today? Was it right? I listen the weather forecast on the radio. I don’t trust the forecast because it is often incorrect. I have heard the weather forecast today and it wasn’t right.