ExercisesExercises Ex.1. Think of adjectives which are used with the following words: enterprise, sector of economy, programme, finances, business, policy Ex.2. Form verbs from the following words and translate them: employment; government; privatisation; decision; growth; manufactory^; investment; tax; extraction; production; transportation; distribution; supply
Ex.4. Read the interview with a Russian economist published in one of the specialist journals. Sum up his assessment of the economic situation in Russia IntervfeW with the Economist Foreigner: How did your economy fare last year? Russian: Last year was one of the best for Russia. GDP grew at a reasonable pace, then we harvested a record crop. F.: I think it was due to verv favourable weather conditions. What factors resulted in it in your opinion? R.: Undoubtedly, the weather conditions affected the crop. But I think that investment and reforms in agriculture started to pay back. F.: And how do you assess the manufacturing sector, your industry? R: Industrial production went up in some branches, though the real sector still needs more investment if we want it to develop faster. F.: If you want foreigners to invest you must give them guarantees of law and order in the countrv, create a more favourable business climate. у ? R.: I can't agree more. Last year a lot of laws^jvere passed to this effect. Suffice it to mention our tax system, it was simplified. F.: I see. Considerable progress was made in your country last year. Besides, as far as I know the living standards improved. R.: Yes, pensions were increased, salaries of state employees were raised too. Demand for consumer goods increased. Note on the Text How did your economy fare last year? - Как обстояли дела в вашей экономике в прошлом году? Words and word combinations you may need harvest - собирать (урожай) record crop - рекордный урожай due to - благодаря result (in) - привести к affect - оказывать воздействие reform - реформа — pay (back) - окупаться real sector - реальный сектор, промышленность guarantee - гарантия law and order - закон и порядок pass - принимать (законопроект) to this effect - в этих целях suffice it to mention ... - достаточно упомянуть... tax system - налоговая система simplify - упрощать demand - спрос consumer goods - потребительские товары