The 29th of May. Classwork. Good morning, children!. Задание прислать до 31.05 до 18.00. vidyaevo-46@yandex.ru ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 5 из 5 The 29th of May Classwork Good morning, children! Read the texts on pages 152-153 and do the following exercises. Exercise 1. Find the equivalents from the texts. 1.трение 2.ядерный 3.обмениваться 4.содержать 5.влиять 6.показатель 7.мера 8.движение 9.вещество 10.повышаться 11.понижаться 12.ртуть 13.на протяжении 14.снабжать энергией 15.водохранилище
Exercise 2. Answer using only one word. 1.Two objects exchange this until they are hot. 2.With a help of it there can be hot in your house. 3.It’s a measurement that we use to describe how cold or hot something is. 4.They move faster when something gets hotter. 5.A kind of energy that flows from something hot to something cold. 6.They are used to measure heat. 7.It expands and reduces depending on the temperature. 8.Most of it comes from burning fossil fuels. 9.We use its power to build wind turbines. 10.It helps to stop a large amount of water. Задание прислать до 31.05 до 18.00 vidyaevo-46@yandex.ru