The 3rd of June. Classwork. Good morning, children!. Задание прислать 3.06 до 17.00. vidyaevo-46@yandex.ruThe 3rd of June Classwork Good morning, children! Exercise 1. Read the texts on page 154 and match the headings (that are given before the texts) to the texts. Exercise 2. Match the given headings to the texts on page 154. One is extra. a) Something for entertainment. b) Help the environment. c) Working together. d) Development for the future e) Enjoy your favourite rhymes. f) A sage. g) After rain comes fair weather. Exercise 3. Put a question to each text. Exercise 4. Read the text “Leonardo da Vinci” on page 155 and complete the gaps with the correct word.
Задание прислать 3.06 до 17.00 vidyaevo-46@yandex.ru