Why independent travel is better than Turgeon? ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2
The ability to go where you want and as you want You can include a personalised tour. But who besides me knows better what I need? Only I. Usually before a trip, her plan is still unclear, and need to know more than one opinion to make a more suitable choice. Therefore, I do not understand how a travel Agency would offer me something that I still do not know. And if I make travel plans, find hotels and tickets will not be easy. A long journey The longer your trip, the less you need a travel Agency. Tours are typically 1-2 weeks, longer is more expensive. If you go for a month or more, then it will be easier to do it yourself. For example, renting an apartment or home monthly several times cheaper than hotel and much more comfortable. Why independent travel is better than Turgeon? Convenient and fun I, for example, it is very interesting to consider the route, plan a trip, seek information. My horizon is expanding, and I am responsible for the stages of the whole trip. From experience, it takes not so much time. Group №2 A challenging journey and unconventional route When traveling, it's not a week in one city and a few countries and many attractions, here is suitable only for individual planning. And as I said, do it better yourself. Especially if the route is not standard, the Agency may simply not be aware of it, or to throw you a price that is downloaded. The ability to use alternative methods of transportation and housing No travel Agency can offer you the whole list of hotels and guesthouses, because not all of them are in the databases. That is not always accommodation can be booked via the Internet, and this means finding the place. Bus tickets are also not always possible to book via the Internet, namely the bus service may be most convenient in the region. Do not forget about such thing as hitchhiking, or overnight in the tent. It is unlikely that this will offer in the travel Agency. Self-guided tours and individual schedule If you've ever been on tour or in the tour, you know that all you need to do the whistle went, got out, walked back to the bus. Several times I tried it, and realized that my schedule does not coincide with the offers for everyone. I have a different view on how much you need to spend time in the gift shop or at the Museum. And also your list of places to see.