to move, perspiration, organism, to go on, infant, to produce, individual,Текст №2
TREATMENT AND NURSING OF PATIENTS Rest is of great importance in the treatment and nursing of a heart disease. The patient is kept in bed. Keep the patient free of fear and worry. The nurse must wash and feed him until the doctor says he may do it himself. Then the nurse must allow only little acts at first, then bigger acts: he may wash his face and neck. Then a day or two later his arms and so on. Don’t keep patients in bed when they could be in a chair. Don’t keep them in a chair when the doctor advised them to walk. Текст №3
IN THE SURGICAL DEPARTMENT You already know much about our family. Now I want to tell you about my father. My father is a doctor. He is a surgeon. He works at a large hospital in the surgical department. He works very hard. His work begins at nine. When he comes to the hospital he goes to his wards to examine his patients. He asks the ward nurse about the post-operative condition of his patients. She often tells him that there are no post-operative reactions. And sometimes she tells the doctor that the temperature of some of the post-operative patients is rather high and some of them have a swelling. The surgeon gives necessary instructions to the nurse and goes to the operating-room. He operates three days a week. I had my practice at the hospital where my father works and I learnt very much there. The work at the surgical department is rather difficult but very interesting. I learnt much about surgical nursing, about the dressing of wounds and about the duties of a surgical nurse Задание 4.Выпишите из текста названия отделений больницы. There are many departments in оur hospital:_____________________________. Задание 5. Напишите по-английски: Состояние больного после операции; хирургическое отделение; осматривать больных; давать необходимые инструкции; оперировать три раза в неделю; хирургическая сестра; палатная сестра; опухоль.
Задание 6. Найдите в тексте слова, которые можно сочетать со словами «post-operative», «surgical».
Задание 7. К выделенным словам подберите синонимы из приведенного ниже списка. to move, perspiration, organism, to go on, infant, to produce, individual,