CRYPT The Cry Of The Northern Winds - Cold Forest Black Metal (Russia)250 р.CRYPT "The Cry Of The Northern Winds" - Cold Forest Black Metal (Russia)250 р. CRYPTIC"Demo II 1989"-Thrash Metal (Finland)200 p. CRYSTAL MOORS "Dominion Of The Ancient Seal" - Celtic /Pagan & Occult Black /Doom Metal (Spain)250 р. CRYFEMAL"Raising Deads, Burning Alives" - Raw Brutal True Black Metal (ES) 250 р. CRYFEMAL "Escucha… La Muerte Persigue!!" - Сырой, свирепый, угрюмый True Black Metal (Spain) 250 р. CRIPLE CHRIST"Нехай Iсус Горить У Вогнi" - Blasphemy Raw Death / Black Metal (Ukraine) 250 р. CRYPTHOWL"Tragedies Beheld By The Cemetery"-SymphonicHorror Black Metal (Russia)250 р. CRUCIFIXION BR "Destroying The Fucking Disciples Of Christ"-Black Metal (Brazil)250 р. CTHULHU RITES"Ku Chwale Mrocznych Eonów" - Black Metal (Poland) 250 р. CLANGFORGE "Poetic Licence" - Chaotic Psycho Metal (Russia)250 р. CROWNTHORN "In The Name Of Moonlight" - Melodic Death Metal (Russia) 250 р. CURSED 13 "I Love Cyanide" - Black Metal (Sweden) 250 р. CULTUS "Our Swords We Raise... Our Gods We Praise!" - Black Metal (Netherlands)250 р. CULTUS "Promo 2007" - Pagan /Black Metal (Holland)250 р. CULT OF DAATH "The Triumphant Holocaust" - Black Metal (USA)250 p. CURSED SCROLLS "Dunkel Hexenkunst" - Black Metal / 250 р. CUT THROAT "Evilive" - Thrash Metal!Cult Release... 18 Tracks with Covers of Misfits, Hirax, Exodus, D.R.I, Razor, Warfare... (Japan)450 р. CUMDEO"The Threads Of Imagination" - Doom /Death Metal (Russia)250 р. DARK PROPHECIES"On The Edge Of Black Eternity (Demo 1995)" - Death /Doom /Black Metal (Poland)200 р. DARKWOODS "Бог Погань / Нерассказанная Песнь Волка" - Black Metal (Russia)250 p.(Death Fog productions) DARK FURY / EVIL / PAGAN HELLFIRE "We Know How To Hate" - All three hordes present some of their best recordings in the styles they are known for. A monument of hate from three pillars of the True Black Metal underground (Poland-Brazil-Canada)250 p.