CHEVAUCHEE Whisper Of Ural Mountains - Depressive Black Metal (Russia)250 р. CHLODDrowned In Oblivion - Incredibly Cold Black Metal(Poland)250 p.CHEVAUCHEE "Whisper Of Ural Mountains" - Depressive Black Metal (Russia)250 р. CHLOD"Drowned In Oblivion" - Incredibly Cold Black Metal(Poland)250 p. CEMETERY OF SCREAM "Prelude To A Sentimental Journey" - Black /Doom Metal (Poland)250 p. CEMETARY "Incarnation Of Morbidity (Demo 1991)" - Death Metal (Sweden)200 р. CENOBITE "Lament Configuration" - Horror Death Metal (Russia)250 р. CENOTAPH"Promo Tape Demo`1996" - Brutal Death Metal (Turkey)200 р. CELTEFOG"Rats" - Pagan / Black Metal (Greece) 250 р. CEMETERY FOG "Journey To Hell" - Black / Death / Doom Metal (Finland) 250 р. CIANIDE "Second Life (Demo 1991)" - Death Metal (USA)200 р. CIANIDE "Funeral (Demo 1990)" - Death Metal (USA)200 р. CICATRIX "Unearth (Demo) (1996)" - Death Metal (Poland)200 р. CIRCLE OF HATE "Demo # 1-07. 2007" - Death /Doom Metal (France) 200 р. COP ON FIRE "Discography" - Aggressive Crust /Hardcore (Spain)250 р. CORONER"Death Cult (Demo 1986)" - Technical Thrash Metal (Switzerland)200 р. CORPSES"Rehearsal (Demo 1991)" - Death Metal with Raw sound! (France)100 р. COVEN CURSE "Evil Rise" - Evil Raw Black Metal (France)250 р. COCKER ONANIZER "Под Шелест Трусов…" - Raw Noisecore / Grind Core / Death Metal (Ukraine)250 р. CONTRASTIC"Contrastic" - Brutal Death Metal (Czech Republic) 350 р. CONVULSE "Resuscitation Of Evilness (Demo 1990)" - Death Metal (Finland)200 р. CONDITION RED "Condition Red" - Progressive Metal (Sweden)250 p. CORPUS CHRISTII "Tormented Belief" - True Black Metal с Necromorbus (Funeral Mist) за ударной установкой (Portugal) 400 р. CONJURATION "Demo 1" - Old-school Horror Heavy / Black Metal (Finland) 250 р.