ЗБ-РА-21, Борзых Екатерина. Дисциплина «Иностранный язык».. Replace the gaps with one of the following verbs: to fit, to suit, to match, to become, to go with/together.. In the sentences below only 3 variants are correct and the rest are wrong. Choose theСтр 1 из 3Следующая ⇒ 16.06.20, ЗБ-РА-21, Борзых Екатерина Дисциплина «Иностранный язык». Тема: Shopping. Выполните упражнения: Replace the gaps with one of the following verbs: to fit, to suit, to match, to become, to go with/together. 1. I'm sure you'll be able to find a suitable dress that fits. You are a standard size. 2. 'I don't think this dress suit me. I'd prefer something lighter.' 'Oh, no. I love you in that dress'. 3. The jacket fits her like a glove. It looked as if it had been made for her. 4. In the lounge everything matches the curtains: the sofa, the carpet and the cushions. 5. Do you think this sweater and this skirt match? No, not really, the colours don't quite to go together. 6. This dress doesn't fit her. It's tight in the waist. 7. For every outfit, Diana has a handbag and shoes to go with. 8. Helen was trying on her pearls to see if they match her yellow dress. 9. She looked curiously young in her scarlet jeans and white sweater, although the clothes didn't match the occasion. 10. It's funny but the yellow walls and the black floor actually go together quite well. 11. She has exquisite taste for clothing. Everything she wears fits without fail.
In the sentences below only 3 variants are correct and the rest are wrong. Choose the correct words. 1. A, B, C. 2. A, D, E. 3. C, D, E. 4. A, B, D. 5. C, D, E. 6. A, B, C. 7. A, D, E. 8. B, D, E. 9. C, D, E. 10. A, B, D. Завершите диалоги и выполните перевод. 1. At the hat department. Customer: I’d to buy the hat in the window. Assistant: There are several hats in the window. What sort of hat do you want? Felt, leather, the one with feather or with a brim? C.: Can you show me the one over there? The leather one. A.: Ah! The leather one. Now, this is another leather hat, madam. It’s better than the one in the window. It’s smoother leather. C.: I want to have the one in the window. It goes with my clothes. A.: Certainly, madam. What size do you wear? C.: I’m not sure. A.: Would you like me to measure your head? It is 16 and a half. C.: Thank you very much. A.: Thank you for the purchase.
1. В отделе головных уборов. Клиент: Я бы купила шляпу, которая на витрине. Продавец: На витрине есть несколько шляп. Какая шапка вам нужна? Войлок, кожа, та, что с пером или с полями? К.: Можете ли вы показать мне одну там? Кожаную. П.: О, кожаная. Есть еще одна кожаная шляпа, мадам. Она лучше, чем на витрине. Это гладкая кожа. К.: Я хочу ту, что на витрине. Она сочетается с моей одеждой. П.: Конечно, мадам. Какой у Вас размер? К.: Я не уверена. П.: Вы хотели бы, чтобы я измерил вашу голову? Это 16 с половиной. К.: Большое спасибо. П.: Спасибо за покупку.