Weather Song. On a …. day I’m happy. On a …. day I smile. Flowers … in the sunlight. We play outside. And we go and ….. butterflies. On a ….. day I smile. Look fresh and green. And I see rainbow colored. Umbrellas in the streets. On a ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 5 из 5 Weather Song On a …………. day I’m happy On a ……………. day I smile Flowers ……………… in the sunlight We play outside And we go and ………………….. butterflies On a …………… day I’m happy On a ………….. day I smile ………….. and ……………. Look fresh and green And I see rainbow colored Umbrellas in the streets On a ……………. day I’m happy On a ………….. day I smile All the …………… shake and fly And my kite is ………….. high in the sky On a ……………. day I’m happy On a …………… day I smile ………………. fall on my window Frozen leaves shine like silver stars In a dream