


Случайная статья

thinner – fly - dangerous – stripes – orange – tail – funny – heavier – big – wings – run


1- Complete the following sentences with: CAN – CAN’T – HAVE GOT / HAS GOT – HAVEN’T GOT / HASN’T GOT – IS / ARE. Use each word only once!

1) The lions ______________________ dangerous.

2) The monkeys ________________________ wings.

3) The tiger _________________________ swim.

4) The parrot _______________________ fly.

5) The giraffe __________________ tall.

6) The elephant ________________________ a long trunk.

7) The zebras ________________________ stripes.

8) The frog _____________________ a tail.


2- Re-write the sentences in the correct order:

1) taller / monkey / the / is / giraffe  / The / than


2)  friendly / dogs / are / The


3) got / horn / rhino / The / has / a


4) hippo / smaller / is / penguin / The / than / the


5) is / The / funny / monkey


6) the / quicker / tortoise / The / is / parrot / than


7) elephant / than / thinner / is / The / snake / the


8) lion / The / is / dangerous


9) stripes / zebra / The / got / tiger / the / and / have


10) frog / The / than / is / the / heavier / elephant



3- Describe the tiger using the following words:

thinner – fly - dangerous – stripes – orange – tail – funny – heavier – big – wings – run



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