There are many online platforms such as Skype or Facebook that enable us to stay in touch with our family.Стр 1 из 8Следующая ⇒
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Новые темы Эссе-2020 Topic Relationship 1. People nowadays can establish new relationships easily due to the development of the Internet. 2. Facebook was created to help people connect with friends and family members. 3. Nowadays, we can live without face-to-face interaction with others due to the fast development of the Internet. 4.There are many online platforms such as Skype or Facebook that enable us to stay in touch with our family. 5. These days, many youngsters prefer living in a virtual world instead of establishing real-life relationships. 6. A relationship can only flourish when people understand each other. 7. Parents should spend more time with their children to strengthen their family bond. 8. The generation gap between parents and children is being widened due to a decrease in their communication. 9. Friends should always show mutual respect if they wish to have a long-standing relationship. 10. Parents can foster their relationship with their children by spending time talking to them after school.
· Friendship — дружба · To establish relationships — устанавливать отношения · To build relationships — строить отношения · To develop relationships — развивать отношения · To keep relationships — сохранять отношения · To maintain relationships — поддерживать отношения · To support each other - поддерживать друг друга · To spend time together - проводить время вместе · Interact with each other - взаимодействовать друг с другом · To enjoy each other’s company — наслаждаться обществом друг друга · To have ups and downs — переживать взлеты и падения, удачи и неудачи · To keep in touch with somebody — поддерживать связь с кем-либо · For each other – друг для друга · With each other – друг с другом · Without each other – друг без друга · About each other – друг о друге · To be on good terms — быть в хороших отношениях · A true friend is always ready to listen and understand other people’s problems. · Lifelong friend — друг на всю жизнь
Отношения между людьми могут быть: 1. good (хорошими); 2. kind (добрыми); 3. tender (нежными); 4. sincere (искренними); 5. romantic (романтическими); 6. idyllic (идиллическими); 7. strong (прочными); 8. friendly (дружескими); 9. love (любовными); 10. formal (формальными); 11. informal (неформальными); 12. bad (плохими); 13. tense (напряженными); 14. spoilt (испорченными); 15. envious (завистливыми); 16. hostile (враждебными)