The most interesting information I've learned during this course ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 The most interesting information I've learned during this course Having studied the material "Nature and Nuture", I learned a lot of new and interesting information. I paid special attention to the theory about what human behavior directly depends on - from genetics or upbringing. There are supporters who believe that everything is mainly because of heredity, while others believe that because of education. In fact, the problem is that no one really knows this and studying this is extremely problematic. We cannot conduct an experiment on humans. Most often these are random observations, circumstances that we can observe (natural experiment). Otherwise it is necessary to set up direct experiments which can be against the law or ethics. The most ideal experiment is to take a pair of twins and grow them under the same conditions and in different conditions and see what happens. There are quite a few experiments of this kind. When by the will of fate the twins find themselves in different places and grow in a different environment. Comparison gives us the understanding of how different and the same conditions influenced their illnesses, character, predisposition to some activity, profession etc. But if we wait for it to happen this way then we will not have a large sample and there will be no statistics. (Behaviour genetics, 2020). It turned out that heredity really affects. The only question is how to understand how it affects. We have a complete genome on the one hand (3 billion nucleotides) and on the other hand a person choses to become an anthropologist. Is it written in his genes? There is no gene for choosing anthropology as a type of activity. And to understand how the genes that actually code the synthesis of proteins or the amount of these proteins turn into what a person wants to draw or sing, nobody knows at all. The very question of the initial separation of the innate and the acquired is not entirely correct, because in order for something acquired to be realized, it is necessary that the possibility of this realization is inherent in the genes. In order for a person to learn how to draw he should have normal eyes to see, at least some kind of limb to hold a brush or pencil in his hands. This is a prerequisite. And in the genes it should be written that a person has eyes and hands. If not, then he can’t draw. However, there must be some appropriate environment. If, for example, we have a society where songs are forbidden. Then even a person born with innate genius for singing will not sing due to fear of punishment. He will never see and hear a singing person, he will not learn this. That is, our potential abilities in theory are much more than we realize. For example, any Papuan from the mountains of New Guinea can be taught to write. This does not mean that he has any gene for writing, because not one of the ancestors of this papoise, starting with proconsuls and Australopithecus, has ever written in his life. There was no written language either in Africa, or on the way to New Guinea, or on New Guinea itself — never before had a single ancestor written. But we can take this Papuan and teach him to write, that is, he has a potential ability (What determines the character of the child more - genetics or education, 2017). Our brain is extremely complex and can realize new opportunities that previously were not in nature. By this we are, in fact, wonderful. Therefore we have such a culture and a developed civilization. We can create something new that hitherto has not happened. Including writing, poetry, architecture, art, theater and much more. But at the same time, there must still be some prerequisites in our brain for this. As a result, it turns out that any acquired should be based on something innate and the innate can only be realized if there is an appropriate environment. One without the other does not work. Therefore initially to separate the concepts of "innate" and "acquired" is not entirely correct. But human thinking is so arranged that we still want some clarity. The fact that a person is right-handed is innate, and that the same person is an anthropologist is acquired. Therefore, studying such a question is extremely difficult and it is fundamentally impossible to separate it. Hence research in this direction is still ongoing and will continue until we understand how our genes are realized in our behavior.
References 1. Behaviour genetics (2020) Electronic resources. Retrieved May 21 2020 from https://www.britannica.com/topic/mind 2. Forget the controversy «What's more important: genes or parenting». Nature won (2018) Electronic resources. Retrieved May 21 2020 from https://tjournal.ru/science/77373-zabudte-spory-chto-vazhnee-geny-ili-vospitanie-priroda-pobedila 3. What determines the character of the child more - genetics or education (2017) Electronic resources. Retrieved May 21 2020 from https://letidor.ru/psihologiya/ot-chego-bolshe-zavisit-harakter-rebenka-ot-genetiki-ili-vospitaniya.htm