Isaac Newton – an astronomer, a scientist, a physicist, a philosopher, a mathematicianIsaac Newton – an astronomer, a scientist, a physicist, a philosopher, a mathematician Who Was Isaac Newton? Isaac Newton (January 4, 1643 to March 31, 1727) was a physicist and mathematician who developed the principles of modern physics (including the laws of motion).He is considered one of the great minds of the 17th century Scientific Revolution.
What Are Isaac Newton’s Discoveries? Newton made discoveries in optics, motion and mathematics. Newton theorized that white light was actually a combination of all colors of the spectrum, and that light was composed of particles. His book on physics, “Principia”, contains information on nearly all of the essential concepts of physics except energy.
What Did Isaac Newton Invent? Newton's first major scientific achievement was designing and constructing a reflecting telescope in 1668. He used his telescope to study optics and help prove his theory of light and color.
What is The Apple Myth? Between 1665 and 1667, Newton returned home from Trinity College. Legend has it that, at this time, Newton experienced his famous inspiration of gravity with the falling apple. According to this common myth, Newton was sitting under an apple tree when a fruit fell and hit him on the head, inspiring him to suddenly come up with the theory of gravity. While there is no evidence that the apple actually hit Newton on the head, he did see an apple fall from a tree, leading him to wonder why it fell straight down and not at an angle. Consequently, he began exploring the theories of motion and gravity.