I agree that my personal information in this application may be used for statistic and internal purposes of Slezská diakonie (program interVIA), based on the GDPR´s right to access personal data, for the application process as well as the pro ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 7 из 7 „I agree that my personal information in this application may be used for statistic and internal purposes of Slezská diakonie (program interVIA), based on the GDPR´s right to access personal data, for the application process as well as the process of selection and finding a placement. It may also be passed on to host organisations and placements. The host organisations and placements declare that all data will be treated according to the local laws regarding the processing of personal data“. In case an application has been withdrawn or rejected, Slezská diakonie will automatically delete all personal data.
…………………………………………………………….. Place, Date, Signature
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Ecumenical Diaconal Year Netzwork (EDYN) is a network consisting of ecumenical sending and hosting organisations offering social voluntary services in Europe and worldwide. The member organisations are working on quality standards together, e.g. a common application and selection procedure. You will find further information on www.edyn.org.