Academic writing ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 6 из 6 19. Academic writing We must all learn how to code. Coding is the most important skill for the future. Discuss. (300 words) Coding is a whole new world. Coding is a whole new world. Programming is a fundamental skill; it makes you think abstractly. It is based on the principles of analysis and synthesis. Programming can teach you to think abstractly, critically and divide the task into small parts. Programming training helps you focus on the details. With some coding knowledge, you’ll get a better idea of what is real in terms of results, quality and timing, which will make you much more systematic. Coding can open up a world of new opportunities, whether moving forward, taking on new interesting projects or making changes to the work that you do. 1. Extreme leadership experience: 2. A new approach to information: 3. Professional communication: 4. Responsibility: 5. The ability to raise your price tag and develop thinking: 6. Getting rid of routine work and empowering: