Specialized Chinese Language courses ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 6 из 6 (二)专题汉语课程/ Specialized Chinese Language courses 1.中国概况课(需达到HSK四级或相应水平)/Overview of China (HSK level 4 or equivalent)
2.商务汉语课(需达到HSK四级或相应水平)/Business Chinese Language course (HSK level 4 or equivalent)
3.HSK五级辅导课/HSK 5 Preparation Course
(三)私人及团体定制类课程/Customized courses 学习时间: 2020年 月 日—— 月 日 Study duration:form to . 三、其他信息 / Additional Information 1.请提供以下材料 / The following applications documents should be provided via email: ① 申请者护照首页复印件。/ A photocopy of the applicant’s passport. ②《北京语言大学国际学生线上课程申请表》(本表)/ Beijing Language and Culture University online Programs Application Form for international Students (this form)
2. 联系方式 / Contacts: 地 址:中国北京市海淀区学院路15号北京语言大学国际学生招生处 邮编:100083 电 话:0086-10-82303951,0086-10-82303086, 0086-10-82303088 传 真:0086-10-82303087 电子邮件:zhaosh2@blcu.edu.cn(普通汉语课程) admissions1@blcu.edu.cn(专题汉语课程) 网 址: http://admission.blcu.edu.cn http://www.blcu.edu.cn
International Admissions Department, Beijing Language and Culture University, 15 Xueyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100083, P. R. China Tel: 0086-10-82303951,0086-10-82303086, 0086-10-82303088 Fax: 0086-10-82303087 E-mail: zhaosh2@blcu.edu.cn (Regular courses) admissions1@blcu.edu.cn (Specialized courses) Web site: http://admission.blcu.edu.cn http://www.blcu.edu.cn
3. 付费方式/How you can pay tuition fee:
(1) 如果你在境外,请电汇至 In abroad, the tuition fee can be paid by telegraphic transfer to T/T address: ACCOUNT WITH BANK:HUA XIA BANK, BEIJING BRANCH SWIFT BIC:HXBKCNBJ030 A/C NO:4066200001819400000429 NAME:BEIJING LANGUAGE AND CULTURE UNIVERSITY ADDRESS:15THXUEYUAN ROAD, HAIDIAN DISTRICT, BEIJING, CHINA
(2) 如果你有朋友在中国,请你的朋友电汇至 If you have friends in China, he can pay tuition by telegraphic transfer to: 户 名:北京语言大学 账 号:0200006209089106391 开户行:中国工商银行北京东升路支行
(3) 如果你可以用微信或者支付宝支付(一般须绑定中国的银行卡),请登录统一支付平台网址进行支付:http://gxcx.blcu.edu.cn:8081/ If you would like to pay by WeChat or Alipay, which usually need to be connected to a Chinese bank card, please use our online payment platform: http://gxcx.blcu.edu.cn:8081/
注: 1.请在报名并获取招生号后再支付学费,支付时须备注申请者的姓名和招生号。 2.汇款金额以实际到账的人民币金额为准。 3.因已提供试听课,且开班人数有下限,为保障他人利益,学费缴纳后无法退还。
Notes: 1. Please pay tuition only after you apply and get registration number, and please quote your name and registration number when making the payment. 2. Your payment is subject to the actual receipt of the fund in RMB. 3. Since the demo class is provided and there is a class size requirement, in order to protect the interests of others, tuition fee cannot be refunded after payment.