Title: eg. (Mr.Ms.Dr.Prof.). Abstract Details. Topic ( please choose one of the topics below)Title: eg. (Mr.Ms.Dr.Prof.) Family Name: First Name:
Abstract Details 1. Abstract Title
2. Topic ( please choose one of the topics below)
Pituitary Surgery
3. Select the type of Presentation:
The file must me in MS Word no bigger than 2mb in size.
Are you the Presenter? Has this Abstract been previously presented at other meetings?
Do you wish to be considered for an ERS travel grant? Yes/No
Eligibility for the grant submission:
JUNIOR MEMBER GRANTS JUNIOR TRAVEL GRANTS FOR THE EUROPEAN RHINOLOGIC SOCIETY CONGRESS Fellowships are offered to support attendance of junior members to the ERS-ISIAN meeting.
All applicants must be members of the ERS – Membership is free of charge for Junior ERS members; if you have not yet joined please click here ERS Junior membership will cease at the end of the calendar year (Dec 31st) when a member turns 35. All applicants must submit their abstract to the Congress via the website before the closing deadline of March 1, 2020; late applications will not be considered Applications will be judged based on the scientific merit of the abstract submitted to the Congress and the applicant should be the presenting author Applicants must submit a copy of their passport or other photographic proof of age To be considered for the Junior Member Grant, please tick the box in the Abstract Submission Form and attach proof of age documents accordingly.
I hereby consent to the processing of the personal data that I have provided according to the GDPR data protection regulations. Yes/No (This is compulsory in order to submit the abstract)