ReportSMTP is developed for support E-mail in InternetFor communication of computers through modems telephone lines, an optical fiber, satellite channels and radio-waves are used . For storage of the files intended for the general access of users of a network, it is used: a file-server; For what the electronic address is used? For definition of a site of a mail box of the addressee in a network; For what programs Ping are used? For check of passage of IP-packages; For what serve in HTML symbols < HEAD> < TITLE> < /TITLE> < /HEAD>? For heading allocation The domain is... The part of the address defining the address of the computer of the user in a network The domain is a mail box of a junction; Unit of data of report UDP often name дейтаграммой For what applied reports answer? For data transmission and access to network resources; The e-mail address in network Internet is set: user_name@int. glasnet. ru. What name of the owner of the electronic address? user_name The e-mail address in a network the Internet is set: user_name@mtu-net. ru. What name of the owner of this electronic address? user_name The e-mail address in a network the Internet is set: user_name@mtu-net. ru. What name of the computer on which mail is stored? mtu-net The e-mail address in a network the Internet is set: user_name@mtu-net. ru What name of the computer on which mail is stored? mtu-net. ru The e-mail address in a network the Internet is set: user_name@mtu-net. ru What name of the domain of top level? mtu-net. ru The electronic address consists of what two parts? A name of the user the address of a post server; From скольких parts (figures) consists IP? 4 parts divided by a point; From скольких parts consists URL the-address? 3 parts divided by a colon; From скольких parts consists URL the-address? From three; Of what the IP-address consists? Addresses of a network and host number Of what the IP-address consists? Addresses of a network and host number Information systems are systems of storage, processing and an information transfer in specially organised form What of levels of model OSI such characteristics, how inquiry, acknowledgement, management of the data flow concern? To level to 7 (applied); Reports TCP concern what level of model OSI and UDP? To level to 4 (transport); How in HTML formatting of position of drawing is set? < IMG SRC =>; How in HTML references to the documents stored on other servers register? < A NAME = " a file name" > < /A>; How in HTML the reference to other document is described? < A HREF = " a file name" > < /A>; As coding when each time interval shares for two equal periods is called, in the middle of an interval always there is a transition from one level of pressure on another, thus the bit 0 is coded by transition in the interval beginning, and bit 1 - absence of transition Manchester; As transformation of a digital signal to an analogue signal modulation is called ; As the program of search system Rambler is called ; As is called means of interface of functional elements of a network as Interfaces; As the transmission medium of packages between networks (local) which for reports of network level is transparent the bridge is called ; How is called the devices providing association of computers in a uniform computer network? Network means; How the device of transformation of the received information in a format, clear for your post system is called? A sluice; How to open a window of group of news in program Outlook Express to click on the panel of tools by the button «Group of news»; How to create the electronic letter (message) in program OUTLOOK EXPRESS? Having executed a command the Message + to Create the message; What program is electronic mail? E-Mail; What configurations (topology) ЛС happen? Ring, шинная, star-shaped, полносвязная and treelike; What from нижеперечисленных reports concern to межхостовому to level of model TCP / IP? TCP, UDP.; What of the specified devices are invisible to other network devices? The repeater; What communication lines are used for construction of local networks twisted pair, коаксильный a cable, an optical fiber and wireless communication lines. What methods of access from the computer to the computer are used in ЛС? маркерный a method, a method of a reservation of time. What programs are not browsers of WWW-documents Uniform Resource Locator; What programs are not browsers of WWW-documents Uniform Resource Locator; What formats use graphic elements of Web-pages GIF, JPEG; What symbol parts of the address of a post server separate from each other: ": " What symbol divides parts in URL the-address? ". " What symbols in HTML the basic text separates from the accompanying? < BODY> < /BODY>; What appointment of operational networks ЛС? Provides sharing of hardware resources of a network and use of the distributed collective technologies at performance of works; What appointment of the utility syscon. exe? With its help the manager of system performs all work on management of users; What of the listed devices can work at any level of model OSI? A sluice; What address is used at hyperlinks URL - the address; What domain of top level in Internet Russia has: ru; What of addresses corresponds to the domain of the second level? www. fizika. ru With what of the listed ways of connection to a network the Internet provides the greatest possibilities for access to information resources: remote access on the switched telephone channel What of ways of connection to the Internet provides the greatest possibilities for access to information resources? Remote access on the switched telephone channel What of ways of connection to the Internet provides the greatest possibilities for access to information resources? Remote access on the switched telephone channel; What report supports Internet? TCP/IP; What report supports Internet? TCP/IP; What report is base in the Internet? TCP/IP What service of the Internet provides carrying out group conferences, using for this purpose system of servers? System of teleconference Usenet; What service of the Internet allows two or more subscribers to hear and see each other? Vocal and videoconferences; What service of the Internet allows to support dialogues of groups of people by means of e-mail? Dispatch lists; What service of the Internet gives possibility to send privileged communications and files to one or several addressees? E-mail; What тег is used for the task of heading 1 of level? < H1> What level allows to unite in a uniform network polytypic computers (IBM PC, Macintosh, DEC etc. ), преобразуя their data in a uniform format? Representations; What level guarantees delivery of the messages created at level of appendices? The transport; What level co-ordinates communication between two applied programs working on different workstations? The session; What level of model OSI can ensure functioning of services of a file transfer and management of files? Applied; What level of model OSI provides the beginning, maintenance about communication session end between network devices? Physical; What level of model OSI carries out the control of errors and management of the data flow. Physical; What level provides compression of data for the purpose of reduction of quantity of bats of the data demanding transfer? Representations; What level provides synchronisation of a problem and realises management of dialogue between co-operating processes? The session; What level defines a way (route) of passage of data from transferring to the accepting computer? Network level; What level carries out quality assurance of transfer and is responsible for recognition and correction of errors? The transport; What level is responsible for addressing of messages and transformation of logic addresses and names in physical addresses of channel level? Network level; What level allows two appendices to establish, use and finish connection which is called as a session on different computers? The session; What level serves for transformation of the data received from level of the appendix in everywhere distinguished intermediate format? Representations; What scheme network Ethernet uses for data transmission on a network the competitive scheme; Coding of letters is applied to information transfer acceleration; Coding of letters is applied to information transfer acceleration; The complex of equipment rooms and the software allowing computers to exchange by data, is: a computer network. The components participating in data transmission on a network: the computer-source, the report block, the transmitter, a cable network, the receiver and the computer-addressee. The computer giving the resources in using to other computers at teamwork, is called: a server; The computer which is carrying out functions of storage, processing and management of files of databases is a Server of databases. The computer which is used for performance of applied programs of users the Server of applied programs The computer connected to the Internet, necessarily has the IP-address The computer connected to the Internet, necessarily has... The IP-address The computer connected to the Internet, necessarily has: the IP-address; The computer connected to network Internet, necessarily has the IP-address; The computer connected to a network and rendering users of a network certain services-it the Server of a network The computer, storing data of users of a network and providing access of users to these data is a File server The computer network is an association of several COMPUTERS for the joint decision of problems; The computer network is: the Computers working on one general network report; Computer telecommunications is... Remote data transmission from one computer on another The configuration (topology) of a local computer network in which all workstations are connected directly to a server, is called: the radial; The largest Russian telecommunication network RELCOM Left part URL of the-address specifies: type of communication which should be established with the necessary computer; Local network — это группа the computers which are connected by channels of transfer and being in limits of one building; The mechanism of recognition of the beginning of the block of data and its end name synchronisation; World system of teleconferences Usenet The multiport device providing high-speed switching of packages between ports the switchboard; Model OSI: Describes the services of reports used at each level; The modem is a device of transformation of digital signals in analogue and on the contrary; The modem - it.? The device for information interchange between remote computers; The modem transferring the information with speed of 28 800 bits per second, can transfer two pages of the text (3 600 byte) during... 1 seconds The modem transferring the information with speed of 28800 bits per second, can transfer two pages of the text (3600 byte) during: 1 second; The bridge carries out the functions at channel level At what level of model OSI technology Frame Relay works? At level 3 (network); At what level of model OSI report SNMP functions? At level 7 (applied); At what level of model OSI switchboards function? At level 2 (channel); On what system WAIS is based? Information search with use of logic inquiries; Initial command of a session with server FTP — open; Information interchange between computer networks in which different standards of representation of the information (network reports) operate, is carried out with use: files-servers. Information interchange between computer networks in which different network reports operate, is carried out with use: modems; Define the address belonging to establishments dp! gn! support labrea. stenford. edu; Define the address belonging to the commercial organisations 103670. 1256 compuserve. com; Define the address belonging to the organisation, rendering telecommunication services. wictor free. net; Define the address belonging правительскому to establishment. dp! gn! support labrea. stenford. gov; OS Netware is network OS with the centralised management; The primary goal of the program – a browser? To open to the specified address WEB-page; The basic function of a server: carries out specific actions by inquiries of the client; The basic report of network Novell NetWare? IPX; The basic components of IP-technology: an IP-package format, the IP-address, a way of routeing of IP-packages; The basic components of IP-technology: an IP-package format, the IP-address, a way of routeing of IP-packages; Whence there was a word the modem? From words the modulator and the demodulator; The personal computer connected to a network on which the user of a network performs the work is a Workstation; In your opinion, the collision is a situation when: the station-sender finds out, that the divided environment is already occupied (other station); In your opinion, the minimum data set transferred on a network it: the Shot; In your opinion what will occur, if in a network constructed on concentrators, there are closed contours? The network will work normally; On what parametres classify computer networks? Network topology; Under what scheme data transmission in network Arcnet with маркерным access is conducted ; On a way of grouping of data distinguish modes synchronous and asynchronous. On a way of dialogue distinguish following modes of data transmission duplex and half-duplex; The mail box of the subscriber of e-mail is a part of operative memory on a server The mail box of the subscriber of e-mail represents: area on a hard disk of the post server, taken away for the user; Right part URL of the-address specifies the server location; With what help тега the table < TABLE> is set ; Applied level Supports work TCP/IP; The provider is the organisation giving access to a network; The provider - it …? The organisation (the legal body, ensuring functioning in a network the Internet); Program Internet Explorer is created by firm Microsoft; Program Netscape Navigator is created by firm Netscape; Program Outlook Express - it …? The post program; The browser of information resources WWW on the computer the Browser; The software applied on each connected to network PC is network operational system; The report are rules of the organisation of data transmission in a network; The routeing report (IP) provides delivery of the information from the computer-sender to the computer-addressee; Process of moving of the raw data accepted in knot, from below upwards on levels OSI is called декапсуляцией; Process of moving of the user data from top to down on levels OSI on the transferring knot (for example, the computer) is called инкапсуляцией; Arrange in a correct order (from большего to smaller): session (), representation (), physical (), channel (), network (), applied (), transport () levels of model OSI: е, and, д, г, in; Registration of the user of server FTP user; Russian search programs Rambler, Yandex, Апорт; With what help unpaired тега the horizontal ruler < HR> is set ; By means of what it is possible to be connected to INTERNET by means of the modem; Property of a network to hide from the user of a detail of the internal device, simplifying that its work in a network. A transparency; The server is one or several powerful computers for network service; The servers the Internet containing file archives, allow... To " download" necessary files The network report - it: a set of agreements on interactions in a computer network; Network level Will transform the bit data flow to physical signals; Network technologies are technologies of processing of the information in computer networks; Network Token Ring uses the following scheme with маркерным access; How many seconds transfer of page of the text containing 3000 symbols will occupy, at use of the modem working with speed of 1200 bits per second? 20; How many levels the stack of reports of model TCP / IP has? 4 Speed of data transmission is... Quantity of bats of the information transferred through the modem in unit of time; Service FTP on the Internet is intended: for reception and a file transfer of any format; Service Usenet - it.? Service of teleconferences; Set of standards for an information exchange between devices of a network the report; Specific functions ЛС of educational appointment differentiation of data, protection of data, access system, definition of working system, access differentiation, the monitoring system and lesson conducting. Means of maintenance of communication between knots of various networks which uses network (logic) addresses, is called as a router; Lines of the table are set with the help тегов < TR>; Тег <. FONT> it is used for: font size changes; Тег <. OL> it is used for: creations of the numbered list; Тег <. P> it is used for: inserts of rupture of the paragraph i. e. an empty line; Тег <. UL> it is used for: creations of the marked list; Тег < BODY> it is used for: maintenances of the basic part (body) Web - pages; The teleconference is: information interchange system between subscribers of a computer network; Theoretically the modem transferring the information about speed of 57600 bits per second, can transfer 2 pages of the text (3600 byte) in a current: 0. 5 with; Technical structure E-mail is a set of the junctions communicating with each other for an exchange; What type of a browser is specified not truly? DOS Navigator; The typical user's station of e-mail consists of the computer, the special program and the modem; Typical structure of the electronic letter: heading, a message theme, ФИО the addressee; Types of network adapters: Arcnet, Token Ring, Ethernet. Topology of a LAN in which each workstation is connected to two other workstations, forming a loop (ring) the Ring; Topology of a LAN to which all workstations are attached to a uniform cable the Tyre; Topology of a LAN to which all workstations are attached to a uniform cable the Tyre; Transport basis of global networks are telephone lines and satellite channels; Transport reports carry out following functions: are responsible for an exchange between hosts-cars; The transport report (TCP) - provides: splitting of files into IP-packages in the course of transfer and assemblage of files in the course of reception; At what communication line speed of data transmission above? An optical fiber; Specify positions, characteristic for technology intranet. Use of the central servers (powerful computers) for storage of the information and management of network work; The level directing not structured stream of bits of data through the physical environment transfers (cable) physical; The device for connection of segments of one network, providing intermediate strengthening and formations of signals is called as the repeater; The device or the computer which carries out dispatch and reception of facsimile messages for users of a local network the Fax Server The device or the computer which gives to users of a local network transparent access to the serial ports of input/conclusion. A communication server The device of plural access which is carrying out a role of the central point of connection in topology " a physical star". The concentrator; The device of physical connection of several segments or beams, usually with possibility of connection of networks of various architecture is called as the concentrator; The device which also, as well as the repeater, allows to unite some segments. The bridge; The device, allowing to organise data exchange between the network objects using different reports of data exchange the Sluice; The device, allowing to expand a network at the expense of connection of additional segments of a cable the Repeater; The device connecting networks one or different type, but using one network operational system or one report of data exchange the Router; Modem functions are connected by the computer to the nearest knot; As hosts-computers are called all computers connected to the Internet; Host-car are computer communication centres; The chain of pieces of cables, электрически connected with each other is called as a cable segment of a network; Network part into which the expansion device does not enter, it is accepted to name a network segment; What is used at start of OS Netware? A kernel-file server. exe; What underlies system Gopher? Idea of hierarchical catalogues; What is called as a browser? A movement universal remedy on networks; That is not characteristic for a local network information interchange possibility on the big distances; What does server program DNS provide? Establishes conformity between domain names and IP-addresses; What does server program DNS provide? Establishes conformity between domain names and IP-addresses; What provide reports of network level? Provide network modes of data transmission; What the extreme right part in the domain address designates? A country code; That means a word " demodulator" transformation of an analogue signal to the digital; That means a word " modulator" transformation of a digital signal to the analogue; What defines the top level domain? A state; What exercise administration of work of a computer network and provide the corresponding interface with users? Network software; What reflects structure of communications between the basic functional elements of a computer network? Network topology; What means possibility on-line to supervise a condition of basic elements of a network, to reveal and resolve the problems arising at work of a network, to make the analysis of productivity and to plan network development? Controllability of a network; What is Internet? A network of networks, a global network; What is FTP? The file transfer report; What is the MNP-modems? Modems with hardware compression and information correction; What is TCP/IP? The report of management of transfers; What is URL the address? The address on which the resource is located; What is WEB - page? One separate electronic document in system WWW; What is the search server? A specialised server in INTERNET, intended for realisation by the user of search of the WEB-pages necessary to it; What is the program E - mail? E-mail; What is the teleconference? Collective information interchange on certain subjects between users of a global computer network; What is e-mail? System of an exchange of letters in global computer networks; What is the electronic mail box? Section (folder) on a hard disk of a post server; That the system of reports is more important for the organisation of a network ; What is legal basis Internet? System of IP-addresses; What is legal basis Internet? System of IP-addresses; To connect two computers on telephone lines, it is necessary to have on the modem on each computer and the special software The sluice carries out the functions at levels above the network; E-mail (E-mail) allows передавать: сообщения and the enclosed files E-mail transfers to the addressee through computer networks of the letter in a code? The binary; The electronic address includes 2 parts separated from each other by a symbol: This level supports the user applications (the software for a file transfer, access to a database, e-mail). The applied; This level realises hardware addressing: the channel; This level packs not structured bits of data from physical level into the structured packages (frames of data) the channel;