ReportSMTP is developed for support E-mail in Internet
" …. Is the standard defining the forms of representation and ways of transfer of messages, procedures of their interpretation, a rule of teamwork of the various equipment". Instead of dots to insert corresponding words: Technology the client/server " World Wide Web is distributed worldwide …. With hypercommunications". Instead of dots to insert corresponding words: a worldnet " The modem is …., согласующее work …. And a telephone system". Instead of dots to insert corresponding words: the device; the computer " The electronic letter is …. A file containing. … the addressee and the letter text". Instead of dots to insert corresponding слова: текстовый a file; the post address 1 Мбит/c it: 10 in 6 degrees of bats; BBS is an electronic bulletin board BBS it is intended for for an exchange of files between users; C what help тега sets a tracing of symbols by italics < I>; C what help тега sets a tracing of symbols by a semiboldface font < B>; C what help тега sets the underlined text < U>; C it is possible to be connected by the help of that to INTERNET? The modem; HTML is language of a marking of hypertexts; HTML (HYPER TEXT MARKUP LANGUAGE) language of a marking of web-pages is ; HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is... Means of creation of Web-pages; HTML (HYPER TEXT MARKUP LANGUAGE) is: means of creation of WEB-pages; HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is: means of creation of Web-pages Internet Explorer? A browser; Netscape Navigator - it. A browser; Of-line Is a mode of an information package exchange; On-line Is a mode of real time; The Web-page is... The document in which all information on a network is stored Web-pages have expansion: *. htm; WWW is the distributed information system of multimedia based on the hypertext; WWW is the distributed information system of multimedia based on the hypertext; The address of a post server consists from: domains; Addressing is... A way of identification of subscribers in a network Archive FTP is a list of files; Archive FTP is a list of files; The base report in Novell Netware is IPX Browsers (for example, Microsoft Internet Explorer) are... Means of viewing of web-pages; Browsers (for example, Microsoft Internet Explorer) are: means of viewing of Web-pages In HTML it is possible to use the text in an ASCII-format; In HTML it is possible to use the text in an ASCII-format; In global networks there are two modes of an information exchange. It is dialogue and package. Speed of the modem is measured in what units бод or bit per second; As hypertext references it is possible to use... A word, group of words or a picture, at mouse leading to which its cursor takes the form of a human hand; The web – the catalogue is the systematised set of references to resources on the Internet. The Website covering a wide spectrum by that is called as a portal; Interaction the client-server at work on WWW occurs under report HTTP; Interaction the client-server at work on WWW occurs under report HTTP; Possibilities of file system Netware: supports the branched out system of differentiation of access to files and catalogues of a file-server from various workstations; Possibility of rather easy addition of escalating of length of segments of a network and replacement of existing equipment of more powerful, is called as expansibility;. All addresses in WWW begin with http: Hyperlinks in HTML-documents can specify: on any part of the document located on any server of a network the Internet; Hyperlinks on web - page can provide transition... On any web - page of any server the Internet; The hypertext is an information in the form of the documents having the references to other documents The hypertext is... The structured text in which transitions on the allocated labels can be carried out; The hypertext is …. Instead of dots to insert corresponding words: the structured text in which transitions on the allocated labels can be carried out The hypertext is an information in the form of the documents having the references to other documents The global computer network is: set of local networks and the computers located on the big distances and connected in uniform system; Group of the computers which are connected by channels of information transfers and being in limits of territory, limited in the small sizes: rooms, buildings, the enterprises, is called LAN; Group of the computers which are connected by channels of an information transfer and being in limits of territory, limited in the small sizes: rooms, buildings, the enterprises, is called: a local computer network; The group of knots of the network having direct access to each other at level of packages of channel level is called as a logic segment of a network: The data arriving from appendices on an input of reports of transport level TCP and UDP name a stream; For information interchange between computers in a local network it is possible to use the program: the Network environment; For transfer to networks of web-pages the report is used... http For data transmission in a network the basic schemes are used: competitive with маркерным access; ReportSMTP is developed for support E-mail in Internet