Version 1.01.0000 – 2007.06.13Version 1. 01. 0000 – 2007. 06. 13 [f] CPL not started wher run as ordinal application [f] Setting resolution, colors depth and refreh rate during setup [f] Module handle read during DLLMain
Version 1. 00. 0009 – 2007. 06. 09 [f] Win2000 CPL unresolved external function (GetModuleHandleEx) [f] Removed EDID reading from registry
Version 1. 00. 0008 – 2007. 06. 05 [f] ISS script totally refactored [f] Driver not started in startup
Version 1. 00. 0007 – 2007. 05. 25 [+] Automatic screen enable [+] CPL double hook detection [+] CPL injectiob mechanizm improved [f] Incorrect window selection by hotkey while setup procedure
Version 1. 00. 0006 – 2007. 05. 21 [+] Automatic screen detection during installation process
Version 1. 00. 0005 – 2007. 05. 16 [f] Screen shoot name changes
Version 1. 00. 0004 – 2007. 05. 16 [+] Black background around test images [f] Incorrect test window positioning [f] Keyboard focus selection in CPL
Version 1. 00. 0003 – 2007. 05. 15 [+] ChangeLog. txt added in driver [+] " Stereo test" button added in CPL [f] HotKeys modifier (Ctrl-Alt-Shift-Win) don't work [f] Admin privileges check during installation process
Version 1. 00. 0001 – 2007. 05. 10 [f] Incorrect regions and window handle in Present() function [f] HotKeys work only if applicatin in focus
Version 1. 00. 0001 – 2007. 05. 07 [+] FPS meter [+] Screen shot making by pressing " PrintScreen" key
Version 1. 00. 0000 – 2007. 04. 26 [+] Inital version