Version 1.06.0004 – 2007.11.07Version 1. 06. 0004 – 2007. 11. 07 [f] Fixed uninject on Windows Vista [f] Fixed service hung [+] Added support fast user switch Version 1. 06. 0003 – 2007. 11. 06 [f] Fixed installation on Windows XP [f] Fixed artifacts in in TimeShift [f] Fixed UT2004 crash [f] Minor artifacts in WOW [f] EVE Online run in window mode Version 1. 06. 0002 – 2007. 11. 02 [f] Fixed crash on exit from Battlefield 2 [f] Control center don’t save settings [f] Keys for convergence not saved [+] Added profile for Company of Heroes Version 1. 06. 0001 – 2007. 10. 29 [+] Antialising now enabled on NVidia [! ] Sight not shifted in the right eye (SeparationMode=2) [f] Fixed screen selecting characters in Team Fortress 2 [f] Fixed dynamic shadows in Overlord [! ] Now screenshots in < User> \Pictures\iZ3D Driver Screenshots [f] Fixed RouterType=1 under Vista
Version 1. 06. 0000 – 2007. 10. 20 [+] Added OSD for displaying separation and convergence [! ] Updated profiles for Tomb Raider and Lego Star Wars [! ] Increased perofomance on NVidia videocards [f] Fixed minimap in GTA: SA, GTA: VC [f] Fixed shadows in Fable: The Lost Chapters [f] Fixed bug with antialising [f] Fixed static shadows in Battlefield 2
Version 1. 05. 0002 – 2007. 09. 27 [+] Profiles for many games [f] Crysis now working
Version 1. 05. 0001 – 2007. 09. 20 [! ] Antialising disabled
Version 1. 05. 0000 – 2007. 09. 14 [+] Profiles for many games [+] GDI Gamma support [! ] Improved performance WideRenderTarget= 1 on all cards for Antialiasing render speed up [f] Minor bugs fixed
Version 1. 03. 0002 – 2007. 09. 06 [+] Profile for Guild Wars [f] Gamma correction fixed [f] Antialising bug on NVidia videocards with MRT fixed
Version 1. 03. 0000 – 2007. 09. 03 [+] Antialising support [! ] Camera movement alghoritm [! ] Installer test screens [f] Wide renderTarget refactored and optimised
Version 1. 01. 0003 – 2007. 06. 25 [+] " About" page added [+] Vista injection support added [+] DX version checking during installation [+] Re-Setup screen button [f] ISS Compiler icon bug fixed